What are you up to this weekend? After a nutty week, we are ready to just relax. We also did a huge cleanse of our apartment, where we got rid of a million things. It feels so good to be able to open closets again! Hope you have a great weekend, and here are a few fun links for you…

A song for your weekend.

An A-to-Z guide to the conversations in Before Sunrise and Before Sunset.

Margarita popsicles.

These mean tweets made me laugh.

Landscape dinner set.

Love this classic trench.

Cool idea for bedroom art.

Popcorn tip.

Sweet mother and daughter.

Not getting sleep is like walking around drunk!

Wow, this movie trailer has a surprising twist.

Magic bookshelf.

A photographer’s girlfriend leads him around the world.

And if you’re in a TV-watching mood: Arrested Development starts Sunday, and The Bachelorette premieres Monday. Whoot whoot!

(Photo of the Leningrad Ballet Academy)