What are you up to this weekend? This morning, I asked Toby what he wanted to do this weekend, and his answer was, “Amaaaazin’,” so I guess I’ll have to come up with some cool plans! Also, on Sunday, we’re going apartment-hunting in Brooklyn. Fingers crossed. Have a wonderful weekend, and here are a few fun posts from around the web…

Sick of baby photos on Facebook? UnBabyMe comes to the rescue.

Princess Diana as a teenager.

Avocado egg salad.

Jon Stewart gives Robert Pattinson a relationship pep talk.

Paragliding in Switzerland? Yikes!!!

What a cute fall coat.

BRILLIANT article.

Rad magnet wall.

Biking photos…without the bike.

How to style wet hair.

Now those are some sexy shoes.

34 people you probably didn’t know were on Seinfeld.

Also, Cup of Jo has a new Facebook page. Want to be friends? :)

(Photo of Jack Nicholson and Sean Penn)