We’ve talked about living alone and seeing movies alone, but what about sleeping alone… I’m a wuss when it comes to bumps in the night. I literally have a night light, and when Alex is on a trip, I always lie awake, listening for intruders. And we live on the second floor of an apartment building–I can’t imagine living in a big house with lots of windows on the first floor. You guys with houses are my heroes!

We’ve talked about living alone and seeing movies alone, but what about sleeping alone…

I’m a wuss when it comes to bumps in the night. I literally have a night light, and when Alex is on a trip, I always lie awake, listening for intruders. And we live on the second floor of an apartment building–I can’t imagine living in a big house with lots of windows on the first floor. You guys with houses are my heroes!

If you ever get freaked out, too, here’s a great tip: “Put your car keys beside your bed at night. If you hear a noise outside your home or someone trying to get in your house, just press the panic button of your car.” Smart!

Do you ever get spooked in the night? Or do you not really think about it?

Remember this awesome lock?

P.S. I would DIE if this were my shower curtain, and the scariest movie ever.

(Top photo from istock, and the house photo by Scott Frances)