So, I have some crazy news: We’re taking a (very) spontaneous quick trip to Amsterdam! Leaving tomorrow!! Here’s the story: We were planning to take Toby to Europe this summer, but we priced out the flights, and it was prohibitively expensive. (Summer flights to most major European cities started at $1400; and we’d need to buy three.) We figured our Europe dreams were dashed, until we realized that if we squeezed a trip in April, the flights were much less expensive—and the overall trip would be doable if we stayed for just a handful of days.

So! We decided to plan a less expensive family vacation this summer in the midwest, but to scratch our Europe itch, Alex and I are taking a quick trip to Amsterdam this weekend! We’re going for just four days, while Toby stays home with his beloved babysitters (since a weekend trip to Europe—with long flights + jetlag—would be no fun for a two-year-old). I’m so excited to visit Amsterdam: I’ve always wanted to see the cool houseboats and even cooler bikers. Also, one of my best friends from college—Penny—is living there right now, and we can’t wait to see her.

This is all so exciting and heady—I’m the least spontaneous person ever, so it’s funny/thrilling to be heading to a big city without any planning. If you have any Amsterdam tips, we’d LOVE to hear them! Have you ever been?

Weekend round-up coming up, and sending you a big kiss! Eeks!

P.S. I’ve written a bunch of posts for next week that I hope you enjoy.

(We’ll miss this little dude)