What are you doing this weekend? We have a long-lost friend from England visiting tonight, and I’m also going to get a foot massage! Just as a little treat:) (Have you ever gotten one?) Hope you have a wonderful weekend, and here are a few great links from around the web…
Cable guys? Thumbs up.
This wedding story is heartbreaking and affirming.
Funny inventions from Holland.
My favorite advice.
YES!!! A new Pigeon book. Already ordered.
Loving the color mint.
A few cool plants.
The Bachelor drawings made me laugh out loud.
New sunnies for the summer.
Frogs I kissed and liked.
A very strong 12-year-old.
After this post, I realized I need this new app.
Parents and parents-to-be: Go to mOmma’s facebook page to get a free product sample. Just enter the promo code CUPOFJO.
Finally, a song to kick off your weekend. xoxo
(Photo of Maui by Royce Bair)