The Sisters Brothers
. All my guy friends are obsessed with this page-turning thriller, which is described as a Coen Brothers film in novel form. Spooky. $16.

In this 9-minute film, Rendezvous, a man gets into a sports car and drives at terrifying speeds around Paris. He actually runs red lights, dodges pedestrians and screeches around corners, then finally stops the car and meets a beautiful woman. The 1970s film is taken from the driver’s viewpoint and was shot illegally early one morning; the director Claude Lelouch was rumored to have been arrested when it first aired. Trust me, you will be the coolest girlfriend ever if you give him this gift. $29.95.

If he’s a foodie, get him something crazy obscure and awesome from Gilt Taste, like basil-fed snails or scotch and stout truffles.

I Could Eat a Horse pasta measuring tool, plus a homemade pasta feast. $15.

Silver frame with a photo of when you first started dating, so you’ll both remember falling in love and getting butterflies. (You can upload a photo and get the frame here.)

Temporary tattoos to wear on your shoulder when you go out to dinner that evening. $5/each.

A sweet love note and a kiss.

P.S. 10 Valentine’s Day gifts for women, and many more gifts for guys.

(Car in Paris photo via Yanidel)