Sweet. :)
What’s your relationship status these days? Single? Dating? New relationship? Old relationship? xoxo
Sweet. :)
What’s your relationship status these days? Single? Dating? New relationship? Old relationship? xoxo
Not even a year old & already among the “events stars”! I always look forward to your posts. Congrats!
plastic card printing
I’m surely coming again to read these articles and blogsvalentine kiss
A final gift which can be a good idea for women to give to their husbands on Valentine’s Day is a gift certificate for a massage. Men often give these types of gifts to women on Valentine’s Day but women typically don’t give these types of gifts to men.valentine’s day cards for boyfriend
Cool card for valentine`s day, do you have some designs related to business plastic cards to share…
Is it possible to design Discount Card fundraiser to share?
Best card for valentine day….I like it.
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Send Flowers To Pakistan From Australia
Send Flowers To Pakistan From Australia
New relationship. haha I’ve been dating for almost a month. here in Brazil the valentine’s day is celebrated on the 12th of June, but of course I’ll try to even send him a card tomorrow.=)
This one is sooooo cute! *-*
This is so darling!
I’m in a relationship and getting str0nger… :-)
By the way, I read this article that somehow also touched my heart… what a very sentimental one..
Visit here..
I’m dating someone I met while studying abroad in Ireland! He is in New York and I’m in Kentucky. We’re both in school and working hard, but we love each other like crazy. Our story is so unique and incredible – even though the distance sucks, I wouldn’t trade him for anything or anyone! We’re meeting in DC for Valentine’s Day and I bought him a claddagh ring, a traditional irish band symbolizing love and loyalty. <3
The perfect combination of great art and passion are seen on this post.Very creative and nice to know that there are people who are really into artistic designs.
Although, our one month is day of valentines day i love being with you and i want to treat him to something he will enjoy. I cannot wait!(:
Brand new relationship, and I think this is it! What a great circumstance leading up to Valentine’s Day. :)
But if I was in a relationship,I would probably say something like that to my guy.haha
In a relationship with a total hunny!! He is my best friend, we love taking naps :) Cute card, I think I’ll steal it.
I’m in a relationship for 6 years now. I haven’t been asked yet, but I’m still hoping one day he will pop the question. These days all of his friends with ‘younger’ relationships than ours are getting married and he wants it to be special so I’m thinking for another 2 years there will be no action regarding marriage.
Well, I don’t mind. I’m sure it will not change anything accept my last name so we are still happily living together.
single! but happy! also looking forward to meet the ONE this year! :)
Great to see a lovely card!
glad you asked & glad its february because my boyfriend of 3 years and i are getting married on the 14th! im sure townhall will be packed :)
Single mama, happy-ish, but looking for the one!
With the love of my life for almost eight months now and couldn’t be any happier… he’s gone this week on a trip, though, so I’m feeling desperately lonely without him :(
My husband would love this card!! thank you!!!
Happily married with 2 kids, they are all my valentines.
Single and happy :D
Happily married! :)
I have been dating someone special for 2 months… I am hopeful (and scared that it can go wrong!)
cute :)
me? girl, 28 (ok almost 29) years old. together for almost 12 years (this march). living together since last april (so 9 months). 2 kittens. (always) tired but happy (most of the times).
Together for 7 years, married for 7 months. Still exciting! Feel lucky every day to have a sweet husband who works hard for us and is happy if I am.
Relationship status: long distance relationship. I’m in Italy, he’s in Madrid. :( Can’t wait for the next visit!
the best.card.ever
This is my first boyfriend and first valentine’s day! We’ve been going out for 8 months and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been :) x
We’ll be spending our first Valentine’s Day as a married couple on a plane from London! Hope easyjet do something special…
Another pair of newlyweds here – although I don’t have much hope for a romantic Valentine’s Day, neither of us are really the type. The card made me smile, though!
Newlywed! <3
together for 3 years…on Feb. 15th! :)
first Valentines day with my husband of 6 months :D
This card is adorable and the definition of my life.
Relationship status: Dating!
Single! Crushing on this cute guy, though, so maybe something will happen there…a girl can hope!
Ha! I just featured this card on my blog two days ago! : ) Funny! Great minds think alike! ; ) Love your blog. : )
Loved reading a bunch of the comments above. I don’t usually comment, but you asked!
I’m in a serious relationship and 2012 is the year of weddings—we are invited to 7! Only one of them is local so lots and lots of traveling. Two of them are the same weekend and because we are crazy, we are both going to both of them (one is Saturday and one is Sunday since it’s a Jewish wedding). Oh and did I mention they are on opposite sides of the country?
Since we are talking about getting engaged in the next year or so, I am starting to think maybe we should just elope to save everyone a trip!
Happy early Valentine’s Day to everyone!
Sorry – I didn’t mean to make that last comment about the universe and all anonymous. :)
I just want to say to the girls who are still waiting…that I met the love of my life at the age of 39. 39! And I was a tough match. So don’t worry about it – the universe is unfolding as it should.
Loved reading a lot of these answers. Been with my Boo for 3 years. We are sticking with our tradition of making homemade chile rellenos for Valentine’s Day, but I secretly hope he gets me flowers too.
single for almost a year and unsure if i want another relationship…for now ;)
a year and a half of fun, second serious relationship for both of us, finding ways to fit the kids, the pets, work, travel and us into our lives (in our late 40s..). I feel a new tradition forming.
LOVE the card. LOVE naps.
Singleton. :-(
Oh baby! I LIKE Naps, haha. Single, ready for something…Is that bad to say? I guess they say it comes when you least expect it. True?
LOL! I need that card for my wife. I may as well have written it. :D
Love the card! Sometimes I’ll ask my husband, “Do you still “like” me, not just love me?” haha. We’ve only been married for 8 months, but it’s been bliss. And Sunday naps are our absolute favorite.
First single Valentine’s Day in 5 years. I guess you could say I’m not looking forward to it and wish with all my heart that things were different. Alas, life doesn’t always work out the way we hope. Perhaps I should buy myself flowers this year? ;)
This is so adorable, and so true!
I don’t know if I would spend 5 dollars on a card, but I do love it!
This will be the first Valentine’s day that I actually spend with someone- ever! And I’m in my late twenties! (somehow I was always out of town/far away from old boyfriends when the date rolled around, boh!)
I imagine that I will just cook dinner with my beau and relax with a glass of wine and a movie… :)
Ah, waking from a good nap might be better than having a boyfriend.
So single I don’t know what to do with myself sometimes :)
Together for 7 years and blissfully married for 2 and a 1/2 :) I am madly in love with my husband and knew from day one that he was IT!! Oh, and we have a baby on the way :D
Oh my gosh, these cards are pretty damn funny. I can think of a few people I’d like to give the , “You drink too much” card to!
p.s. very happily married.
joyously married. soo lucky.
S I N G L E – can you you plzzz find me someone. Argh
Very cute card. Made me smile. I’m married, and this card is perfect for hubby.
i love simple and to the point cards:)
this girl is single! i’ve always been single for v-day, so i celebrate it with my single friends over dinner and flowers & chocolate for each other:) xo
Going through an incredibly difficult break up at the moment with the love of my life, so Valentine’s Day is not going to be an easy one this year. Wishing that love was enough to hold a relationship together.
How cute!
This will be my last engaged valentine’s day, I’ll be a wife in less than three months. Cant wait!
This is the cutest. :)
A couple days ago I just broke up with my favorite napping partner yet. Looking forward to discounted chocolates on the 15th!
Nice choices. Thanks. My husband should really read the list. By the way, the VS Miracle Pushup works really well.
I have been with boyfriend for nearly 3 year. I’ve been in love with him since shortly after we met, almost 11 years ago. It still feels like a dream come true.
Marriage for 11yrs. He is the love of my life :)
Married for almost 3 years, together for 7 years. What can I say? I still get giddy when I see his car pull onto our street after a long day. I still get overwhelmed with with how much love is between us. I still believe that I’m the luckiest girl on the planet. My life has been brighter than I ever thought it could be because he reminds me how amazing it is to just be alive right now. He really is the greatest guy I’ve ever known. I should probably get him a really great v-day gift :)
Single and loving it. Seriously! :)
Very single. Blargh!
I was never a napper…but now with two kids 3 and under I long for them. HaHa.
Bianca from http://lotusblossomdesign.blogspot.com
Where we stayed, ate, shopped, and people-watched.
When my kids were young, the only way I knew how to be sure dinner happened was to...