Our mom is turning sixty this year (!), so we’re starting to brainstorm ideas for a family party. These ombre balloons are great, don’t you think? You just blow up six balloons each of slightly different colors, that’s it!
(Photo by Jenny)
Our mom is turning sixty this year (!), so we’re starting to brainstorm ideas for a family party. These ombre balloons are great, don’t you think? You just blow up six balloons each of slightly different colors, that’s it!
(Photo by Jenny)
Yeah, those balloon event ideas are great! Were you able to be inspired with this? How was your mom’s birthday celebration? With balloons… I bet it went really, really fine! Belated happy birthday!
Leighlie Ashton
I like it
& also tried.
This post is very much inspiring.
The more kids will be sent into the balloon flight, and the more tubes will use to achieve that, the more points will receive. Be careful, as the time is limited and i have to hurry. Each level will be more and more difficult, and there will be more and more kids who want to take balloon flight, so do your best!Balloon SuppliersThank you.Balloons
Love this! So cute…what a great idea!
What an amazing idea – I LOVE it with the shades of pink!
It is very nice blog, especially i like your tips and suggestion to make different types of design.Its a very difficulty thats way i like very much.
Balloon SuppliersThanks a lot.
Great post! That was interesting.I like your quality that you put into your post.Please do continue with more like this.
– Marx of web design
ahhhhh i love that idea!!!!
They’re awesome. I say we ombre the whole world.
Looks awesome!
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so pretty! i’ll have to copy this for my next party.
Great article, great pictures.
GREAT idea. Nice effect!
Aw, these are so pretty! :)
Such a lovely idea!! i wish i could be there for my mum s birthday but i m living so far from her…She s living in the south of France and me in Montreal….so, enjoy this day ..you re lucky, and your mum too!
very pretty and chic!
Lovely idea!
It’s hard to believe she’s turning sixty. She’s looked fabulous in all the photos you’ve posted of her on your blog. All the more to her, she’ll be a fabulous-looking sixty-year-old. Is she anxious/hung-up/feeling any sort of way about turning 6-0? It might be cool to hear more about that/changing decades generally. I’m coming up to 2-5, which is all right with me (so far)… I haven’t thought too much about being a quarter-century old:P
i am loving these, great for ANY party really
ombre balloons?! what a genius idea. Definitely makes these balloons very trendy in look, hehe, love it!
Thumbprints That ♥ To Look Cute
my event styling business just did a whole ombre-inspired photoshoot if you want some more ideas! http://jamandtoasttn.com/take-a-look/?album=1&gallery=7
that’s so cute! great idea for the bday party i’m planning soon!
This is such a simple and inexpensive idea! I absolutely LOVE the ombre look here…especially in the pink shades! Great idea ;) xx -b.
I love this. my birthday is tomorrow and my mom always would get balloons and tie them to the chairs in our kitchen while we were at school. That’s something I always miss..so I love this take on balloon celebrations:)
yes!!! i love balloons, they bring out the kid in everyone:) sunday there was a birthday party on the beach and there where balloons on all the palm trees and bushes it was like magic!
it will make your mom feel young and happy!!!!!
I love this idea! It would also look absolutely fabulous at a Valentines Day party!
easy and pretty – why not? It looks great!
So pretty! Wouldn’t it be fun to set up the effect vertically?
I love this! It looks beautiful. For my mom’s 60th birthday–I cut up beautiful paper into 60 strips…and on each strip stated a reason or a memory as to why I love her (some funny and some sweet and some serious). :) Then I placed all of the reasons in a vase–and needless to say, she was crying after she read the first one. She keeps it in her bedroom and can look back if she is ever having a bad day or if she just needs to be lifted up. To this day–she always tells me it remains as one of her favorite birthday presents. :)
YES!! My dad turns 60 this month and I was just thinking about birthday stuff today, too. Your posts always seem to have such great timing! I’m thinking of getting some old photos into frames and setting them around the food/cake table. Always great for a smile, tear or a laugh from family and friends.
This has been in my inspiration folder for aaaages! I love it.
I’m trying to get ideas for the hub’s 30th birthday celebrations (although I still haven’t a clue if he wants one or not!)… I had the quietest of 30th birthdays so I can’t weigh in here. My dad had a HUGE 60th birthday party but Mum wouldn’t allow us to do anything for hers lol
I love the balloons! They are such a lovely idea!
Kate {Something Fabulous}
What a beautiful, simple idea! Thanks for sharing!
This is adaptable! And so simple!
I think that is a great idea and so easy! The mixtures of the pinks and reds work so well together!
I love it! This is a great look.
so pretty. they would be great to decorate for a valentine dinner as well
so pretty! I bet she’ll love that xx
I love these and am looking for an excuse to order them:
Very cute idea!!! =)
Jo, my mom is turning 60 as well in May. Keep the ideas coming!
Oh, I’m excited to see what you come up with! My mom turns 60 in three years and has already requested a big party! :-D
wow that is so easy and very pretty!
what a great idea, they are so pretty
Happy Birthday to your Mom!
Yes, these balloons are great!
I was just thinking about this for my wedding!
Oooh! Pretty! There’s something so delicate about balloons, I love this image!
For landmark birthdays I love the numbered postcard idea from inchmark:
This would be so fun to receive :)
my mom turned 60 last year and we planned this huge party and then hurricane irene happened! we canceled the entire thing since it was going to be outside in my parents’ backyard. we ended up having it a few weeks later and it was so fun. One thing that my dad did which was so nice is to make a dvd of photos set to music. the pictures were mostly of the last 10 years since we had a pretty big 50th birthday party for her and it picked up where we left off then. she loved it.
Such simplistic and beautiful idea! Balloons make everything feel so whimsical and celebratory. I wonder how metallic balloons would fare?
I’m so obsessed with ombre everything. Have you seen the photos of the purple ombre cake (http://bit.ly/AnAPnD)? It’s so amazing, I’m definitely going to be incorporating this into my life as much as possible haha. I’m dying to try ombre hair as well. But the balloons are too pretty! What a great photo.
love it, so doing this for my friends birthday coming up! thanks for the tip :)
When my mom turned 60 I decided to get her a bicycle. I went with a beautiful navy beach cruiser with a brown leather seat, basket and bell. She had never voiced a desire for a bike but the look on her face when I wheeled it into her party was priceless. She immediately took it and rode it around the block to the delight of everyone present.
So chic. I loved that ombre hair trend from last spring/summer. It’s too bad I was too chicken to try it. ;-)
Would love to hear your ideas for your mom’s party! Both my parents (divorced) turn 60 this year (1 week apart!) so I have lots to plan!
Ombre ANYTHING floats my boat!
My mom is turning 60, too! I’m planning on throwing her a Year of the Dragon surprise party. She always made a big deal out of our Chinese zodiac signs when we were little, and she and my brother are both Dragons. Her birthday isn’t til the end of August, but I’m starting to plan now because I know I’ll put it off til the last minute anyway.
The beautiful NY backdrop doesn’t hurt either.
These are very pretty, simple and tasteful too :) go for it! What colours do you think you’ll go for? xx
Oh! I really like it :)& have to try it out. Your blog is so unbelievable inspriring and lovely :)
My mom turned 60 last year (she’ll kill me for putting that on the internet) and didn’t want to make a big fuss out of it at all. The ombre balloons would have been a nice gesture without being too crazy.
Oh, and ombre anything is a hit in my book.
So festive and elegant!
They are great, so simple but a very nice effect.
i love the balloons!
drop by allister bee soon!
That’s so beautiful and simple to recreate! Your mom seems like such a lovely lady, she deserves an amazing celebration :)
Love this idea! I think anything ombre adds a slightly classy feel, but balloons are so cheap and simple!
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