Confession: I hate winter. I always get the winter blues when it’s cold, dreary and gets dark at 4:30. So, in an effort to come up with fun wintertime activities, I had a lightbulb idea…
Let’s start an articles club this winter! An articles club would be just like a book club, but we’ll read articles. We’d all read the same story–from, say, The New Yorker or Elle–and chat over wine and snacks. It would be fascinating, timely and a much easier commitment than a book club (because, honestly, who ever finishes the book on time?:). And it would make the winter feel fun.
What do you think? Would you want to start one with your friends? I could post the articles, and we could chat about them online, too. Let me know!
P.S. I’m thinking this one for the first?
(Layout by Jennifer Hagler for Cup of Jo. Photo by Shannen Norman for Cup of Jo)