My jaw dropped when I stumbled across this color comparison series, where Miss Moss matches street style photographs with old-school artwork. Bravo!
(See many more here.)
My jaw dropped when I stumbled across this color comparison series, where Miss Moss matches street style photographs with old-school artwork. Bravo!
(See many more here.)
Oh this is one of my favorite posts!
I love comparing Art on the Streets!
Amazing pics!
This is absolutely amazing!!
LOVE this!!
amazing post !
Absolutely beautiful. To take vintage art and mix it up with vintage clothes…Miss Moss is speaking my language!
Flawless execution and fantastic color matching. Where is the subscribe button? Thanks for sharing.
These are such cute comparisons and what a great idea! It’d be a cute fashion challenge to try and dress like in famous paintings (like “inspired by…” posts). Great post, thanks for sharing!
She is brilliant! Classic example of art imitating life in the most visually stimulating, inspiring way! I especially Love the english garden photography comparisons. xo Samantha
amazing! i love the full length green skirt.
The time it must have took to put something like this together is quite impressive!! The comparisons are spot on as well. Great feature :)
I love love love miss moss!!!
What a unique way to look at fashion style and complementing it with this unique painting and photographs. Very Inspiring! Thanks for sharing.
These are incredible images! I am completely inspired. Thanks so much for posting!
love these all
smanks for sharing
W0o0W, interesting…
These are great!
These are fantastic. Considering we live in a world that is constantly putting images in front of us, these are beautiful and inspirational while presented in a truly unique way!
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i love the first girls outfit!
love looking at this but does it not look like the top girl is pregnant with a cigarette in her hand ?? yikes
I love the old advertising in your post. thank you and a Happy New year 2011. juergen
Aw, these pictures and matches really are a great idea!
Chic, stylish art!
fantastic idea, how amazing they look!
oh wow – that is gorgeous! I love all the rest of the series also. What a creative idea. :)
That is sooo cool! Love each and every single one! Thanks for sharing, viele Gruesse,
these are so fabulous!! i think i like the 5th one the best. so creative!
This is brilliant, I love the last one with the soft pink sweater and cream pants. I would totally rock that outfit!
A very creative idea!
I like #3 & #4 the best. Especially #3 – the look and way the person is dressed in the photograph has the same vintage/European vibe as the artwork.
Always cool to see innovative fashion/photography sites!
Beautiful pictures!!
I love how the outfits seem to be stollen fragments of the artists images… brilliant idea.
We LOVE this post! How clever and gorgeous.
We are looking forward to following your blog this year now that we have gladly found you.
SisterBatik create pillows, loving to fill spaces with our snuggly, ecclectic and dreamy pillows. We would love you to visit our blog and see what we make.
With warm wishes
THIS IS AWESOME! I feel totally inspired- I’m copying this! I’ve decided to make this a project for the year- check it out on my blog- http://lindseyandorlando.blogspot.com/2011/01/12-months-12-paintings-12-outfits.html
Thanks for the beautiful ideas!!!
WOW! This is amazing and awesome.
Oh my, I absolutely LOVE this, so inspiring! Thank you for sharing :)
This makes me want to do this with my site!
LOVE Miss Moss.
Oh, wow, I love these juxtapositions! This is a lot like what I do on my blog, each outfit has an inspirational artwork. Thanks for sharing!
This is a pretty nice collection.
Well thought out and very chic!
That beret is the height of chic!
Brilliant! Such a neat idea! Happy New Year!
i love this pics
I follow you, hope you’ll do the same
Great idea!
looks amazing…
xx Lea
oh wow, these are awesome! and double wow! Miss Moss is from my home town! love her blog :)
thank you so much for posting this joanna! such a great celebration of the then + now!
Very direct fashion imitating art. Great photos!
the third photo reminds me that
i just bought “The Sartorialist” book by cott Schuman because i also love blog so much just like everyone did
amazing photos
very creative!
Love the colors and vintage feel of these looks.
love this post! =D
This is breathtakingly wonderful! I love when people see stuff like this in every day life! This really is a great art find!
How cool! It’s nice to compare and contrast the outfit and work of art she matches together.
Oh wow..this is a pretty special find. I love how much art can fit into everyday life. I just ordered my copy of The Sartorialist from Amazon. Can’t wait!
i LOVE this. absolutely love it.
ooooooo so much fun!
seriously very cool:)
i think if i put on that fuzzy pink sweater i’d float into the sky and instantly know how to speak french.
snazzy post!
Now, that’s someone who really has a great eye and took the time to make something lovely for us to enjoy. thanks so much.
brava is right! so beautifully creative
how fun is this?!! Love it. Thanks for sharing. :)
Ohhh my goodness that’s the neatest thing EVER.
Wow! I love these comparisons… so very interesting and beautiful!
Neat concept! I started a blog a few months back where I take and outfit and make a room inspired by that outfit.
Wow. This is so interesting. I guess life is really influenced by art. :)
Dreaming of Palm Trees
Very cool, but then dressing like that is a fine art..
This is lovely!
The Indian-American author on aging, parenting a teen, and dressing like a sexy assassin.
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