So, last night, I hosted the Cookie Swap!
The ladies came over at 7pm with containers full of lemon squares, magic bars, homemade thin mints, and Cornflake cookies, among many others. The coffee table was overflowing. (Toby made a quick cameo before bedtime; you can see him cuddled in my friend Samantha‘s arms above.)
We passed around pitchers of ice-cold milk (and bottles of wine), and people found cozy spots on the floor to hang out.
Megan (right) made her grandmother’s recipe for bark with almonds, chocolate and matzoh!
Susan Cernek, a fashion editor at Glamour, didn’t have time to make cookies, so she brought bottles of nail polish instead. :)
Alex came home just in time to say hello to the ladies, including pretty Lee from Copenhagen.
Toby zonked out about 15 minutes into the festivities, but we still doted on him (and his sweet bald head) by video monitor.
It was a really fun evening and yummy excuse to get together. Thank you so much to everyone who came! xoxo