My lovelies, how was your week? Toby was sweet but oh-so-cranky today, so I didn’t get much done other than rocking him, singing to him and playing Raffi on my computer in a desperate attempt to keep him happy. Whew! Now that he has mellowed out, we’re heading to buy my brother a birthday beer. (Happy birthday, Nick!) Have a wonderful weekend, and here are a few great posts from around the web…
Damn, Nikole has a beautiful home.
What a cute photo-booth strip.
Impressive staircases.
NYC wedding invitation. (I want to go.)
This Beatles song played on a ukulele is so beautiful.
More pretty bubbles.
J. Crew always has the cutest models. (Hello, girl crush.)
And a big thank you to Project Wedding for featuring our wedding photos.
(Photos by Richard Heeks. I posted them last summer but couldn’t help reposting.)