Pop quiz! By the lovely Grace Farris.
P.S. Winter stuff we love and three warm drinks for winter days.
Pop quiz! By the lovely Grace Farris.
P.S. Winter stuff we love and three warm drinks for winter days.
Would be Matcha Latte with Espresso :)
Am I allowed to say… all? I’m every woman, it’s all in me? LOL
Black tea with milk. The cat is named: Sa majesté le Chat.
Also, soup.
coffee + Herbal tea combination :)
Twig Tea: proud dog mom and would rather be sailing or backpacking
I think somehow I am a mix of Herbal Tea and Hot Toddy! I love having fun and I chase the excitement with my friends but at the same time there is nothing like a nice long walk. I love these hot drinks but I think at the end of the day I am 100% an iced drink!
A mix of earl grey, espresso, and coffee. Life is having multiple library cards, breaking news in the before times, and a cat, but my dream is to live abroad. I hate mornings though.
I too am a dirty-earl-grey-latte kinda gal! My cat’s name is Angelica Houston. She has no interest in living abroad, but I do.
Green tea- loves yoga and relaxing with a good book.
Earl tea, Lady Earl tea, lemon ginger herbal tea, peppermint herbal tea and coffee occasionally at a café never at home and I love walks but don’t own a library card although I am an avid reader.
Coffee and herbal tea. Which is incredibly spot on as those are the only two beverages of the drawing that I consume!
Espresso everyday and never not scheming about how to live in Europe (now more than ever.) Hot cocoa when I need a pick me up (but made with DF milk and extra cocoa). Herbal tea before bed.
Read this drinking oat nog (contains no eggs, So good!). I’m herbal tea, my husband is espresso, I think my twelve year old is oat nog (happiest with an audiobook and a cozy blanket). My youngest is hot cocoa for sure, though I love a puzzle just as much.
Wait could those with multiple library cards please comment on how you managed to get them? I have lived in the same city for 10 yrs so I only have one, but am I missing something? Thank you!
I have 3 library cards that are still active because I’ve moved a lot in the last few years and expiration period is a bit longer for both of the previous cities. And I may get one more! I can pay for a library card to the neighboring city (more audio books! More support for public libraries!)
I have cards for both my city and county libraries. Some neighboring countries and cities will give cards to anyone who lives in the state, so I made a day of it, took a little road trip, got my library card, ate some delicious food, explored the city with a long walk, did some birding, hung out in a cafe…. I don’t borrow physical books from far away libraries, but I make full use of their digital catalogues.
I have lived in several different states and several towns in Sweden and just aquire a new one when I have an address in that town! Which I think is a requirement for it. Maybe it goes without saying that I’m earl grey tea ;)
I live in Kansas City, Missouri. I have a card for our regional system, Mid-Continent, a card for the Kansas City Public Library, and one for North Kansas City, a small town surrounded by KC. (I also am a tea drinker, but my current cat is named Meat, because I inherited him from a cousin with a weird sense of humor).
There are cities that allow you to subscribe remotely for a fee. Queens, Charlotte, New Orleans are some. Book riot had a list at some point.
I have one from my hometown in the U.S. and another one from the town I currently live in (in the UK). Every time I move I get a library card, and these days I connect my card with Libby so it’s still useful even when I move away!
My local county library system has a reciprocal agreement with the adjacent country library system, so all members of one can receive a card to the other. The county where I do not live is much larger, so they have a much bigger circulation – but also often longer hold lines. It is genuinely helpful to have both. Harder to find books at the big county and shorter lines at the small county! Plus, I work in the other county, so it’s been handy to have library access near my office.
And I have cards for the four other accounts for my family members, so that I can pick up their holds. (all for our local county only – I get them books from the other county if needed.) So my key fob has six lil’ tags :)
All of the above!
You’re not truly living until you have 2+ library cards.
Soy milk matcha latte, but first yoga, names squirrels. Where are all the matcha people? Out feeding their squirrels?
It is absolutely me!
Earl grey in the AMs, herbal tea in the PMs…Holiday seasonal mulled wine? (anybody?!)
Any plain hot water drinkers?!
Me!! Can’t stand the cold stuff. Got this habit from my mom.
Yes, sometimes I’ll’ve had too much tea that day, but still want the comfort of something hot to sip on. :)
Yes to hot water! I start with one decaf latte, then after that it’s hot water all day every day, even in summer (except for the week or so of extreme heat waves, and then it’s cool water). If I am feeling bored, I will do an herbal tea for part of the day just to mix it up a bit. But it’s almost always just hot water.
Exactly what Sparkles said. Plus I can totally relate to the pseudonym Sparkles!
Wait, this is hilarious and so spot-on. I’m hot cocoa, with a mix of herbal tea :)
Wait, I’m hot cocoa with a mix of herbal tea! 😅
all the hot drinks, and soup.
Where is the Chai??? That’s my fave treat. Daily I drink herbal tea (super strong peppermint with 2 bags and a heaping spoon of honey) and I do enjoy quality time with people I love and baths! I also love hot chocolate but that description does not apply to me at all. I don’t drink Earl Grey but I do have multiple library cards and use Libby and Hoopla! And have a small dog named Daisy after the book A Ball for Daisy (she is the spitting image of that dog!)
I can’t decide if I should go with the drink I like or the description that fits me. Instead, I’ll come up with my own: Spicy Chai, does zumba, loves gossip but pretends to be above it.
Spicy Chai here too! Although I don’t fit the rest of your description…I’m more cozy than energetic.
I’m hot cocoa, all the way! It describes me perfectly (and the others don’t), and I drink gallons of hot cocoa. Also, I love Grace’s cartoons! Her drawings are cheerful and kind and relatable. I greatly prefer Grace’s work to any of the other cartoonists featured on CoJ.
Coffee aspiring to be espresso!
Ha ha me too!
Decaf Harneys Vanilla Black Tea with copious milk and honey because: 1) aroma, 2) still (still still still) breastfeeding and avoiding caffeine (dearest likely last child, won’t you please be finished soon with this phase because though it has been wonderful I so am), and 3) cozy yum.
Ooooh, I might need to add this to my next Harney’s order. It sounds delicious!
Yes, hi, I am all of them.
How is this so accurate?? I’m herbal tea all the way.
Love this post!!! While I drink earl grey and coffee every day, I drink even more what my family calls ‘lady water’– a large to-go cup of hot water that’s comforting, hydrating, won’t leave a weird aftertaste, and never stains my clothes. :)
Hot cocoa <3 just finished a Christmas-present puzzle :)
Earl Grey (London Fog when I’m feeling fancy)
Cards to 3 libraries. Cat named Sweetpea.
Herbal tea here, married to coffee, wishing I could be espresso!
I’m a boozy mocha coffee with a shot of espresso.
Omg nailed it! Hot cocoa all the way with the occasional earl grey to mix it up
I’m an Oatmilk latte…wait make that a half-caf…wait I’m really trying to quit caffeine because (knowingly smiles) my *menopause* believes sleep is for the weak…wait I’m a deranged beast without caffeine…Oatmilk latte, please!
Nailed it! Herbal tea here, with a hot cocoa rising <3
Let’s hang :)
Loving your cute comment :) made me feel like yep that’s me, too
Earl Grey, one very well used library card, and two loud large adorable dogs.
Yikes! Feeling a little too seen by that Earl Grey tea one! 😅
a solid mix of espresso + hot toddy. i love both, and the descriptions both suit me!
Hot Toddy all the way but I no longer drink (too many hot toddies in my time).
I feel seen!! Espresso or coffee and a bit of Lady Grey as well!! I have whole bean and ground bean coffee in my house at all times, I hate waking up early but love news alerts and good books and would love to live in Europe! Ah!
This is me, minus the news updates. I cannot even handle the news anymore with this country’s new administration. I check the Guardian when I have the bandwidth though as to not be an ostrich.
This is all leads to living abroad where I have opportunities for drinking more coffee! :)
Espresso shot! I wake up at 5:00 am most mornings for yoga and love to travel. Having the opportunity to live abroad would be amazing!
Earl Grey with a little Hot Coco as long as the craft isn’t messy
Earl Grey definitely ! Regularly visits 5 local libraries. Lives for book hold arrivals and Porch Reading Season . Heart still pounds in excitement when entering book venues of any kind. 4 cats ( none named Bronte though ) Quart size tea mug. :)
English breakfast tea with milk and honey, loves romance novels, the birdwatching obsession has become…problematic.
Nonalcoholic glühwein: Cuts own hair, salutes pigeons
Love this! I assume glühwein is similar to Finnish glögi? If so, such wonderful cold weather comfort!
Rooibos herbal tea right heeeere. Especially on a long hike!
I have always detested rooibos because it smells and tastes to me like what the damp leaf melange my sister and I used to “feed” caterpillars in a damp treehouse bucket as kids. But THEN, yesterday, my four year old son asked to try tea, and so I dug the decaf pumpkin spice rooibos (containing a retch) from the back of the cabinet, brewed us both a cup and added a pile of honey and milk, and it was . . . SO. YUM. :o)
Earl grey, hot toddy, coffee, herbal tea I am all of these drink descriptions. Makes sense since it isn’t a usual day until my desk contains at least 3 beverages often more!
Alllllllllll! Loved this
All of the above! 😉 Depends on the day/time of day/ my mood.
I don’t see me in here – hot breakfast tea with a splash of warm milk, in a porcelain cup. :)
Hot cocoa is second but I do not fit the description!
I am definitely an espresso shot! I would love to live in Vienna one day, I grew up loving “The Sound of Music” and would always watch it with my mom. I also enjoy getting up early. I like to make the most of my day being productive or having fun, the worst feeling for me is waking up at noon feeling like I wasted my whole day. But I will sleep in if I really need it.
I hear ya. I don’t get people who stay in bed most of the day. Espresso shot all the way (preferably in a martini glass with a few extras)
I am both Earl Grey and herbal tea! And those are my favorite things to drink also – spot on!
Love this, I think I’m a combo of hot chocolate and herbal tea! And a hot toddy a few times a month ;)
espresso all the way-always eyeing properties in Italy
I’m cocoa with a shot of espresso, except when I’m herbal tea (straight peppermint or Tao of Tea’s Hibiscus Ginger!)
I’m a hot coco with an espresso shot.
Earl Grey and Herbal teas are the most accurate for me. I do drink a lot of herbal tea too. How fun….
Earl Grey, espresso, and a bit hot toddy
Coffee! I feel so seen 😂
Herbal tea, all day every day year round
I am all of these! I would happily puzzle with a hot toddy… I have 4 library cards, but one may be deactivated. Living in the DC suburbs/northern virginia, the different neighboring counties have their own library systems and I’ve moved around so collected quite a few of them! It’s a pleasant (like, herbal-tea-level) thrill in Libby when I have a long wait for a book with one card but short/no wait with another.
Yess!! All of the above!
I’m in Arlington but retained my DC card and even my six year old knows to check both cards when she’s looking for an audiobook on Libby! One of the many perks of our amazing library system. PS if there are any Arlingtonians on here looking to get married, the library is GIVING AWAY A WEDDING INSIDE OF THE LIBRARY! https://library.arlingtonva.us/2024/11/01/enter-to-win-a-wedding-at-the-library/
Lol! This is so accurate. I’ve been told that the smell of earl grey reminds people of me because I drink so much of it. I only have 1 library card but I’m in 3 book clubs! And I have a cat named Leo (after Tolstoy).
This is so bizarrely accurate!! I love Earl Grey tea, and I have multiple library cards (the minicards are the only things on my car key fob!). I’m not a pet person, but I’ve always said that if I were I’d have a cat named Legolas and a dog named Gimli.
Earl Grey all the way! My friends make fun of me because I can’t stop trying to convert everyone to the Libby library app (my party trick lol)
But who are these people who need convincing!? It is objectively the BEST!
Libby is proof that there is good in this world.
I have a love/hate relationship with the libby app. Why is it only associated with one library? why is it so clunky to enroll? I use it a ton but I do think it is a tough sell.
@Katy haha people who don’t know about it yet!!! of course! :P
@Anon oh maybe it’s different depending on where you live! I’m in Quebec (Canada) and I can have 2 cards simultaneoulsy – municipal library + national one.
This is me, too. I feel a rush whenever I find out someone I know doesn’t use Libby and I can tell them about it 😂
Similarly, I love reminding people that their libraries often have things like toys/equipment (my in-laws’ library had magnatiles, sewing machines, and projectors!) And, I love sharing my journey of checking out sewing books (that have free patterns in pockets inside!) when I started learning to make clothes. Libraries are THE BEST. I could go on.
(I also love earl grey tea, lol)
Libby for the Nobel peace prize!!!
Anon, you can have multiple libraries on Libby! It works really seamlessly. For example, when you place a hold it will automatically place the hold for the shortest line (or you can select which library, if you prefer).
If you are having difficulties with the app, go to the adult reference desk at your local library and they can help you!
Eve, I’m in Québec and have a local (private) one and the BANQ. :) I love it! I actually need to try to add my other local (public) library to it, but I don’t know what my membership member is for my local one. (I moved and think my previous one expired, so I guess I need to register in my new neighborhood?)
Coffee and espresso, although I wish I had the attitude of herbal tea…
I am the first four. LOL
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