Literally just sent this to my sister. By the hilarious Grace Farris.
P.S. Ways to unwind and packing styles.
Literally just sent this to my sister. By the hilarious Grace Farris.
P.S. Ways to unwind and packing styles.
Am crushing the perimenopause hard in my late 40s… it’s like everything turned upside down over night. The 40s we’re pretty good until perimenopause!!
Well if everyone is ready for it, I’m hearing from ALOT of people that 50-70 is the most productive, fulfilling period of life. Think about it – worked out all (some) of your your sh_t, don’t really care what people think anymore, not clawing desperately out of the ageing pit because, hey, its already happened haha. I’m 46, have really enjoyed my forties so far on an existential level, despite facing some difficult circumstances and I’m solidly looking forward to ageing with less f_cks to give!
I feel seen and I’m not sure I like it lol. But I am much happier in my 40th year than I have been in any other part of my life so I can’t complain.
Okay people, I have news for you. Forties can be the best years of your life if you don’t spend them worrying about it. When you hit sixty you will wonder what all the fuss was about. I hit seventy last year and that is supremely depressing, but when I hit eighty I will reminisce about the good old days when I was 70.
the forties have been my happiest decade, so far, by far!
My spin is “pursuing real estate in the place I live but still can’t afford and feeling like I won’t be able to own a home until I’m 60” (I’m 38.)
I maintain that Harry Styles is universally appealing to middle aged women (and probably men too).
My girlfriends and I are going to see Harry in concert later this year. Just us, not bringing our daughters, and we’re 40+++. The appeal is real!
What is it about Harry?! I’m nearly 38 and I’m as into Harry as is my 13 year old daughter (maybe even more?).
He’s real cute and has pretty hair. I’m allowed to be shallow sometimes dangit!
Harry Styles, Michael B. Jordan and Zac Efron will forever be the crushes of the middle aged.
Would highly recommend the newsletter Gloria for the 40+ crowd! “Gloria is a weekly newsletter and media company for women who aren’t yet old, but aren’t still young. It’s for women embarking on midlife and those who are curious about what the future holds. What does aging look like when you still feel 25?” https://www.hellogloria.com/
Thank you!! I’ll be 44 in a few weeks, and it’s not at all what I thought it would feel like! I feel so much younger!! Of course, i have 11 and 9 year old, and almost all of my friends are younger than me – so that helps!
I really believe that keeping an open mind, being open to change, and TRAVELING keeps a person youthful. Theres always a possibility of learning or discovering something new, as well as giving yourself lots of things to look forward to!
When my mom was 44, I was already in college.
I just used my phone to check for food in my teeth right before I browsed to Cup of Jo to read this. Sigh.
My last year of my thirties begins in 21 days, and I’ve already started this stuff. Especially looking at houses I can’t afford in places I’d love to live.
My grocery-shopping ego wrote a check my one small, flimsy bag couldn’t cash yesterday, said bag broke, and I spilled my haul all over the street. As I cursed and kick-chased a geysering can of fancy seltzer, I glanced at my shoe and flowery skirt and realized: oh my god, I am the old lady in a house dress and sneakers who needs help with her groceries. (I am 43.)
Lauren O, your ocmment made me laugh in recognition. And I just LOVE your use of “my grocery-shopping ego wrote a check my one small, flimsy bag couldn’t cash.” That movie me inspired me to buy myself some Ray Bans for the first time in my life recently. Looking forward to watching the sequel. But yeah, I frequently and over optimistic about how much I can buy at the grocery store and carry home. I have not yet had a bag break, but I can just imagine being in your shoes, or sneakers, to be more specific. (I just bought myself comfortable sneakers for walking to work.)