Sending a hug to anyone who needs one right now. By the wonderful Ruth Chan.
P.S. Ruth Chan’s beauty uniform, and an anxiety trick.
Sending a hug to anyone who needs one right now. By the wonderful Ruth Chan.
P.S. Ruth Chan’s beauty uniform, and an anxiety trick.
Oh my gob! This is funny, because I literally started a bathroom renovation weeks ago. There was a hole in the wall, so naturally I gutted the thing. Blargh!
This was very timely as I was just thinking maybe I should paint the bathroom (that does not NEED to be painted) today.
A walk helps so much! I try to go once a day, but especially whenever I feel irritated or worried.
But that fish! I just love it’s expression!
Ruth Chan is the best!
These are great! I particularly love the “watch your dog sleep” illustration. I do this when I am overwhelmed. I will stop what I am doing and watch my dog sleep for a few minutes. 9/10 it works remarkably well to calm me down, collect myself, and put things into perspective. If that doesn’t do the trick, crying and hugging my dog also works if it’s a dire situation. I try to remind myself, that as long as my dog is peacefully sleeping/healthy/happy the world is mostly good and things are going to be okay. Pet therapy is so great.
Thank You as I am the same way…….furbabies are the very best ever for loyalty and endless love.
Hugs to you, Ruth!
One of my newfound joys is hearing my aging dog’s newly developed snores. She sounds so peaceful while deep in her slumber. I love your idea of timing my breathing to hers especially as I need to lower my blood pressure. Going to try this!
I’m having a very difficult few months and am not being kind to myself about it at all. I’m glad I found this website.
Same. You are not alone, Emily. Sending you a virtual hug and many good thoughts.
Sending a virtual hug. I hope you emerge from the difficulties soon, Emily.
Welcome, Emily. You will love it here.
Well, fish would not be my comfort food of choice, but I understand the sentiment… :p
I saw the fish and it immediately made me think of home. Whole steamed fish with ginger, scallions and soy sauce is simple but hard to do perfectly, and it’s a classic dish where I grew up. In my family, my dad is always the one who cuts it apart delicately and serves us. He picks out the extra soft cheek for my mom, always.
Jo, I have started saying “take gentle care of yourself” to people at work and the warm responses I get to it have been magical. Just yesterday I said it a woman who had to cancel a call due to both children being sick. Her eyes welled up with tears as she said that was the kindest thing she had ever heard at work. Thanks for giving me the words to extend gentleness into this world. It is so necessary. Although, I will say, as a researcher I want to cite you whenever I say it to give credit where credit is due :)
Oh my gosh, I love that. Xo
this is beautiful…the parents of the children in my care often look overwhelmed/fatigued….my opinion is they would love to hear this….we could all hear this for sure 🥰
Watching and listening to an animal sleep is the most calming thing ever. The way my cat breathes when he’s totally comatose makes me bliss out. Sync your breath to theirs and it’s instant meditation……
sync your breath yes!! I do this with my kids when I’m stressed. I’ll lie next to them when they’re sleeping and breathe in and out at the same time. would probably be creepy to them if they woke up haha!
Including a fascinating memoir and the prettiest nail polish...
10 gifts for kids, including a dog book and mini cereal.