By the always cozy Grace Farris.
P.S. Throw pillows I need and warm cookies every night.
yesssss to all of this + i cannot express how much i love ginger snaps. i just buy them at the store and put them on my little cookie plate and have a nice tea and it is +++++
(also ginger snaps the horror movie! but not necessarily a cozy activity)
Sensory Cozy: lavender baby powder, hot with a splash of bourbon, and a big fluffy towel straight out of the dryer after a salt bath.
Oof, that’s hot tea* with a splash.
Towels straight out of the dryer are the ultimate in cozy!
Eating tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich with a glass of Chardonnay, watching the snow fall and realizing I don’t have to go anywhere.
wfh cozy: sweater, leggings, wool socks, hair in a bun even though I just washed it yesterday. at my desk, wrapped in the Target faux fur / flannel blanket. drinking a turmeric latte. the sun is shining on the brilliant snow outside. greetings from Denver, y’all
Love this!! And boy, what a snow it was! Greetings from Colorado Springs :)
L.L. Bean Wicked Good Slippers. Simply the BEST!
Sentimental Cozy: A fire in a woodstove (my dad), a handmade quilt (my grandma) and a giant pashmina (my travels)!
Another spot on!
Ginger snaps!
Inferno coziness: fleece lined slippers, snuggly blanket, fire in the fireplace, and a can’t put down novel.
Something warm and cinnamon flavoured always does the trick for me.
fireplace, a giant chocolate chip cookie cooked in a cast iron with a big underdone center, soft thermal underwear, thick socks, a red heat lamp!
or…anther way to look at it…instead of “six more weeks of winter”…it’s “six more weeks until spring”…groundhog day is such a scam…just look at the calendar people…🌼🌞
I wanted to live in molten coziness at all times!
Silk long underwear, a cashmere sweater and an electric throw blanket (and I am in CA where we do not turn the heat on. It’s the principle!).
Hot water bottle in bed for my feet, with upcycled cashmere covering. The best.
Now I know what to do with the cashmere sweater that was a snack for a moth! Cozy + functional + up/recycle = love it. Thanks
Slippers are usually TOO COZY for me, but I found these at a sample sale and it turns out that having my toes peep out of kelp-green faux fur slides, a la the iconic scene in DRIVE MY CAR when the two characters’ cigarettes peep out of a classic Saab’s sunroof (oh my goodness everyone go see that movie immediately it will shatter and mend your heart in one fell swoop), is perfect.
My husband stepped on one in the dark in the middle of the night and thought he’d squashed the cat, the faux fur is that good.
Haha on your last sentence.
I think the key to coziness is being outside in the cold for awhile first. Nothing’s more cozy than all of the things above AFTER a frigid walk/hike/snow shoe etc.. The cold is the key.
Yes! Completely agree!
When I want to achieve maximum coziness I always add a blanket. The blanket burrito is the pinnacle of coziness!
Heated blanket is hands down a winter must have in minnesota.
Also maybe a pot of soup and fresh bread.
Hot water bottle, bed socks, blowing a snowy gale outside.
Giant blanket, slippers, softest robe possible, fresh coffee, comfort movies, broccoli cheddar soup and crusty baguette, heating pad, and those wood crackle candles!
ooh broccoli cheddar and a baguette take it to the next level for me
I feel cozy just reading these ideas
I deeply miss Korean saunas/spas. They are the coziest places to be in the deep winter and not a possibility in the pandemic.
I’d add a clean kitchen because that’s the one thing I can’t get past when I’m trying to get really cozy and relaxed.
Recently my coziness routine has been a hot shower after working out, then lotioning and putting on my waffle-knit bathrobe to read on the sofa with my cats. Peak coziness.
Except for the cat you are my coziness twin!
I would add a crackling wood fire in the fireplace, a romantic comedy on TV, and layers of fluffy blankets!
(Bonus points for a really good glass of wine.)
The sleeping child is no joke! Sometimes when I have insomnia I picture my 3 year old sleeping next to me (or just get in her twin bed with her), always does the trick.
That’s so sweet Keri! My 6 month old is sleeping on me right now, since I can’t move, I might as well be cozy…
a heated and weighted blanket. yes, they can be both.
Jazz playing, an apple and pear crumble, a child reading and a cat in my lap. Dreamy.
I’d give it all up for spring right now. Here’s to supermarket tulips arriving unseasonably early in my subzero temps!
A fire in the woodstove and snowing outside: and I have it in Maine right now!
How funny — I’m the second comment and also in Maine! Agreed Mouse, fire in the woodstove and snow outside (such big flakes right now!) is peak coziness, especially that moment you come in from the cold and get hit with that first blast of warmth.
Another Mainer enjoying the big fat flakes and a fire in the woodstove! The only thing that will get this past molten status is my weighted blanket :)
Here are our five, including a cool way to cure a headache.
The acupuncturist on Asian comedy, lip balm, and rock climbing.