cookies by yossy Arefi

cookies by yossy Arefi

What are you up to this weekend? Happy (almost) Lunar New Year to those who celebrate! We are watching the snowstorm and hoping to go sledding. Also, the Cup of Jo reader meetups are warming my heart x a million. Wishing I could beam myself to all of them!!! Hope you have a good one, and here are a few links from around the web…

These Office bloopers made me laugh.

Do I really need a toilet? And other questions you ask when looking for an apartment in New York. (NYTimes)

What a gorgeous dress.

Wow, the new documentary series We Need to Talk About Cosby looks really compelling.

13 Lunar New Year dessert ideas.

A five-year-old’s advice for his mom, when she was nervous for a meeting: “Think about the donuts of your day! Even if you cry a little, you can think about potato chips!”

Scenes from midwinter, brrr. (The Atlantic.)

“My Holocaust-survivor grandmother found happiness everywhere. I see her in my daughter.”

#1 on my birthday wishlist.

All your favorite cartoon characters are Black.

Pizza spaghetti sounds fun.

Seth Rogen skips the tie. Thoughts? I’m into it. (Vogue)

Enjoying the smart, funny novel Chemistry by Weike Wang.

Will forever laugh at Women Having a Terrible Time at Parties in Western Art History.

Plus, three reader comments:

Says Erika on 9 tips for eating out with kids: “I was recently having dinner in Boston, and a group was seated nearby at a plush booth. It was two adult men with an older couple, and the whole crew played Uno while sipping wine, dipping bread in olive oil and chatting. I think it was two grown sons out to dinner with their parents and engaged in a family tradition of playing cards at dinner. It warmed my heart that some family traditions borne out of necessity become a joy that are carried on by choice.”

Says H.M. on what funny books have you enjoyed lately: “Martin Short’s autobiography, I Must Say, especially on audio. Marty is breathtaking in his humility, humor and honesty. I have recommended it to SO many people. It had us all absolutely weeping, giggling, and starting sentences, ‘Tell me if this wouldn’t piss you off.'”

Says JAK on five women on being Jewish right now: “When the moments get tough, I try to ground myself in Jewish joy. Although I was born a Jew, if I had the option, I would chose this life for myself, over and over again. Every week, I help people figure out how they want to ‘do Jewish’ in their lives, and it is an incredible honor to help them braid challah, introduce them to the work of a particular Jewish writer, see them embody Jewish values and do mitzvots (‘good deeds’), or even simply quote a Rugrats Passover Story in conversation. So often it can feel as if we are alone in our worries, so seeing so many supportive comments from Jewish and non-Jewish folks alike is refreshing to read.”

(Photo by Yossy Arefi.)

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