By the wonderful Grace Farris.
Seeing and loving that reference to Crash Landing on You Grace!! My first intro to K-dramas which I learned about here in the COJ comments section.
Rose Island on Netflix is in the original Italian with subtitles. Very sweet and is based on a true story.
Laughing so hard at “new to me sparkling water flavor” because that’s DEFINITELY a thrill for my husband and me!
This time of year, though, it’s all about the hot tea. Still enjoy trying a new to me flavor, though!
Count me in too…I almost did a cartwheel when I saw watermelon la croix the other day..but sadly not very tasty. My new go to is soda stream water spiked with flavored vinegars. https://californiabalsamic.com/product-category/balsamic/. My go tos are pineapple, coconut, sweet heat. Some naturally occuring sugars, but way less than real soda.
I spotted the parachute too! I started watching “Crash Landing on You” during the pandemic, and, honestly, it helped me get through the weird, dark times.
I’m now a K-drama addict, but I’ve always been a candy pilferer (kids’ Halloween stash).
Last winter I watched Home for Christmas on Netflix. Takes place in Norway. Such a cozy show! It automatically came on with English dubbed over- but I think you could do subtitles, which I would have preferred.
It’s such a great show, LOVED it!
Loved this show too!
Thanks so much for sharing this. I checked it out and love it! I can’t wait for season 3 to come out later this month.
I adore this thread. Gives me great ideas to up our game plan for friday nights!
Do I spy a Crash Landing on You reference?? Now I want to go rewatch the show for a third time…
Do I spy Crash Landing on You, Grace Farris?
I started watching after Grace recommended it. It’s sooo fun!
Now I’ll have to check it out!
Are you in my house?!
pjs + hot chocolate + popcorn + family game night (we are a group of truly vicious “Sorry” players) + early bedtime for all
Counting the minutes…
Going to make a racetrack for cars out of painter’s tape around our entire first floor before the kiddo gets home from PK. Hoping this gives me at least an hour of freedom to read on the couch this evening. Fingers crossed.
Yessss Crash Landing on You reference! Definitely going to make this my night tonight!
I tried the Key Lime La Croix for the first time last night and, let me tell you, it’s the best. It tastes like a green skittle.
I am very, very intrigued.
I tried it but was not a fan. It tastes like a lime creamsicle to me. I’m also not a cream soda fan so it might just be my personal tastes.
Ha! I dislike that flavor BECAUSE it tastes just like a lime Skittle. To each their own!
Oh please give reco’s for these romantic shows in foreign languages!!
Yes, here for this too! Sounds like the comic is referencing “Crash Landing on You” which I haven’t seen, but I recommend Love and Anarchy (Netflix). You MUST watch it in the Swedish with subtitles. As my husband jokes, foreign tv allows me to read and watch tv at the same time, so I don’t have to choose :). I’d love to hear what other lighter foreign language shows the CoJ community recommend!
Second this request!
I can recommend The Agency. It’s a reality show about a French family that sells luxury real estate. It could be way too Kardashians, but it’s actually really sweet and charming. A trifle!
@Annie, give Crash Landing a try! It lives up to the hype. Love me some Kdramas and there are a ton of great romance Kdramas out there. A great one is Mad For Each Other on Netflix two neighbors who hate each other find out they have the same psychiatrist. Also highly recommend Hometown Cha Cha Cha, Vincenzo, and It’s Okay to Not Be Okay.
One more I forgot: Because This is My First Life! Another great Kdrama on Netflix.
I’ve enjoyed:
Home for Christmas (Norwegian)
Call My Agent (French; not strictly a romantic show, but so so good!)
The Hook-Up Plan (French; a bit cheesy, but I’m a sucker for shows/films set in Paris)
Does anyone know of a streaming service other than Netflix that offers English-speaking shows as well as good international series?
Rachel, I don’t know where you are but in BC, Canada I get the Hoopla app free through my public library. It has a ton of great TV shows and movies from lots of places (lots of British) that you don’t get on Netflix. It also has music, audiobooks, books, comics, etc. Maybe your public library has something like this!
Thanks for the top tip, Agnes! I use my library for everything else, I don’t know why I never thought to check there for international series!
Ha. Our candy pilfering is next level. Will pair it over the weekend with “An Astrological Guide for Broken Hearts” – a brilliant italian rom com series I started this week if anyones looking for something – and some iced white wine, if I dare!
Where is it available?
Hi Colleen! I am in Canada and it’s on Netflix! :)
I second the reco for An Astrological Guide for Broken Hearts! It left me planning a trip to Turin and wanting to wear more colorful outfits. A similar vibe but French is The Hookup Plan, also on Netflix.
An overgrown kid falling asleep on me during family movie night. ❤
Happy weekend! Going out for sushi with friends. To try and stop my hubs from taking kids’ candy (11 and 13 and still trick or treating strong), I got him his own little bag and the kids stole from THAT so now I’m worried about their nutrition and it’s GAME ON for their candy, lol.
Popcorn cooked on the stove top with butter every Friday night in our house!
Yes to popcorn! My wife introduced me to a new way to make it – nutritional yeast, lots of freshly cracked pepper, salt, and olive oil. Delicious!
Yes! Love nutritional yeast but will have to try with cracked black pepper. And my most recent new flavor of seltzer was deeelish. Waterloo cranberry! YUM.
Stovetop, two ways:
1) Savory: Pop in butter and when it’s freshly popped/still dangerous to open the lid, sprinkle in a lot of crumbled feta cheese and stir. If your pan is hot enough, the feta melts and miraculously molds itself onto the popcorn so you can’t see it and it doesn’t taste like feta, really, but it has this umami savory salty deliciousness. Add salt, pepper, and butter to taste.
2) Sweet, aka “crack” popcorn according to my friends: Pop on the stovetop in coconut oil. Add butter after popped with a sprinkle of salt, sugar, and cinnamon. YUM.
Nice! My son and I have a tradition of making popcorn together (butter, salt, garlic salt, nutritional yeast) and reading chapter books. It’s so cozy.
Yes! Popcorn with nutritional yeast makes the perfect Friday night