house with flowersPHOTO BY SUSAN KAUFMAN

What are you up to this weekend? We’re taking a day trip to Rockaway Beach to splash in the water. The people watching is also great — last time we went, we saw a guy doing flips on the sand and teenage girls playing really complicated hand-clapping games. Hope you have a good one, and here are a few links from around the web…

My kids have been LOVING this game. (It makes me shriek!)

Cool photos from a storm chaser.

Zucchini butter spaghetti.

Do or don’t: these two bedroom colors.

The cutest shoes to wear with dresses.

The trailer for Reservation Dogs, a new TV show.

This made me laugh for like five minutes.

Loving this New Yorker’s summer style.

My current celebrity crush. *fans self*

Wow, what a cool rain poncho.

This headline made me laugh.

A skywalk just opened that goes 100 feet above the Sequoia Redwoods. Would you do it?

Plus, two reader comments:

Says Tricia on when did you bond with your baby: “My third pregnancy was my son. After my two dreamy, soft kicking daughters I wasn’t prepared for how much carrying my son would hurt. I’d cry and complain about the painful kicks and jabs. I grumbled and fretted that he would be this unhappy and difficult baby. On the night that he was born he was so lovely and calm. I nursed him and apologized over and over again for how ungrateful I was for this strong and healthy son. Eight hours alone with him and our bond was set. 23 years later he is still lovely and calm.”

Says Haley on reading coincidences: “Witnessed an ‘impromptu bookclub’ on the beach a few weeks ago. A woman was walking with her young daughter who was very adamant on wanting to get out of the sand, but she (the mom) saw someone reading a book she had just finished so they stopped and chatted. Walking away, the daughter sighed, ‘Mom you don’t even KNOW that lady!!!’ The magic of books to turn a stranger into a friend.”

(Rain poncho via Swissmiss.)

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