flowers by Yasmine Mei

What are you up to this weekend? Toby and I are researching pumpkin pie recipes. Any favorites you’d recommend? Also, we’ll also be kicking off our holiday gift guide on Monday, and we’re so excited to share it. Have a good one — stay safe — and here are a few links from around the web…

When COVID hit, I started walking 20,000 steps a day. It has changed my life.

This clip of Leta Powell Drake interviewing ’80s TV & movie stars like Tom Hanks and Gene Hackman is incredible.

My heart.

Pretty sweater for the winter.

Places you’ll find my hair six months after we break up,” haha. (New Yorker)

A former ballerina with Alzheimer’s remembers the steps to Swan Lake.

This apartment was inspired by its owners’ favorite restaurants. (NYTimes)

What comedian Sarah Cooper can’t live without.

Is there anything more beautiful than a flock of starlings?

The Crown’s season four comes out this Sunday! And everyone I know is raving about The Queen’s Gambit.

Plus, three reader comments:

Says Danyelle on would you name your child after a fictional character: “My partner and I are serious blerds (black nerds) so both of our children’s middle names are comic book characters from the Marvel Universe. My daughter’s name is Storm and my son’s name is Fury. I chuckle every time I have to write down their full names.”

Says Megan on 12 reader comments on love: “One time, while trying to log in to a joint account that my husband had set up, it kept asking me a secret question, which was ‘Who is your best friend?’ After attempting to answer with what felt like every friend I knew to be special to him, I finally texted him and said, ‘Trying to log in to our account, FOR THE LOVE OF GAWD WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? I’ve tried everyone we know!’ He responded with one word. My name.”

Says Krista on would you name your child after a fictional character: “For my whole life, I’ve kept a running list of female literary names to give to my babies. Then I found out I couldn’t have children. Giving up my list of names was almost as bad as giving up the dream of motherhood. After failed fertility treatments, a devastating failed adoption, and then two more failed adoptions, my husband suggested a puppy — our sweetest consolation prize who I promptly named Annie (after Anne of Green Gables). She is the most mischievous redhead and the heartbeat we needed to add to our home.”

(Photo by Yasmine Mei/Instagram.)

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