Kim Rhodes Cup of Jo

I’m thrilled to officially introduce Kim Rhodes, the newest member of the Cup of Jo team. She started as our summer intern and is now our editorial assistant. She has already been behind many cool things — including natural hair, podcasts and work outfits. We love having her here, and we hope you’ll love her, too! Here’s more about Kim…

Her backstory:
Kim grew up in Owasso, Oklahoma, a small city outside Tulsa. After graduating from Oklahoma Christian University in 2010, Kim worked several jobs and started working on her own blog at night. Five days before her 30th birthday, she moved to New York to pursue a career in writing, and worked as a barista (the street over from our office!) for a year before joining Cup of Jo this past June. Kim lives in Brooklyn with two roommates and a Christmas cactus she’s somehow keeping alive.

Movie you can quote from beginning to end: My Best Friend’s Wedding. I can sing the karaoke song note for note, exactly how Cameron Diaz does it. My friends called me “Kimberly Wallace” all through college, in homage to her.

Must-watch TV show: I always watch Frasier. When I first moved here, it was a comfort thing because I watched it with my parents growing up. The Christmas episodes are my favorite of any TV show! Martin’s 1960s maximalist Christmas decor and Frasier’s stuffy style reaching a middle ground always makes me chuckle.

Book you love: We Are Never Meeting in Real Life (Amazon; Indiebound) by Samantha Irby! It’s not easy to write something so funny that it makes people laugh hard, but she does it, seemingly effortlessly.

Dinner you make when you’re home alone: Salmon, roasted sweet potatoes and brussels sprouts. It’s an easy roast, I can do it quickly and it’s always delicious.

Random pet peeve: When people scrape a fork across a plate, it makes me physically ill.

Irrational fear: Heights! Really any unstable height more than one foot off the ground.

Hobby: I’ve started knitting every autumn for the past five years. I always tell myself, “THIS is the year I finish this scarf!” and then I drop it again until spring. At least I’m well-practiced! Currently looking into pottery classes for the new year.

Celebrity crush: Mark Ruffalo! He’s just such a babe! His character in 13 Going On 30 sealed it for me.

Song always on your playlist: Pretty Ugly by Tierra Whack. She made this amazing album called Whack World, where each song is only 60 seconds long. She’s an incredible lyricist.

Dream vacation: The dream has been Europe since I was in high school, and I’m FINALLY going to Italy next spring with one of my best friends! Please let me know if you have recommendations of where in Italy to go.

Personal fun fact: I have an undying love for all things Sesame Street, The Muppets and Jim Henson. I have a Sesame Street coffee table book, I’ve seen every documentary, I’ve been to the headquarters — it’s my thing.

A few more pics of Kim

With Santa, Christmas 1990.

Drawing a sun in the driveway (her speciality).

Last year at her birthday party.

Kim on vacation in Puerto Rico with her friend Gabby.

Under her favorite mural in New York with her friend Sinem.

Any other questions for Kim? We know you’ll adore her!

We’re so happy to have Kim here! You can follow her on Instagram, if you’d like. Our current editorial team is Kim, Caroline and me. The wonderful food writer Jenny Rosenstrach also contributes regularly, including her burning questions column. For Cup of Jo alumni, Franny has moved on (we wish her the best!) and Stella is now a photo editor at New York Magazine (so happy for her!). We’ve also loved having Maureen Heffernan on our team for the past nine months — she’s our senior partnerships manager and handles growth and runs the show with all our beloved sponsors. Please let us know if you have any questions, and thank you so much for reading. xoxo

(Top photo by Christine Han.)