San Francisco dog

San Francisco dog

What are you up to this weekend? We are having friends over tonight for a taco bar. Alex is making most of it, while I’m in charge of the guacamole. (Any hot tips? My friend Kenan uses pomegranate seeds.) Hope you have a good one, and here are a few fun links from around the web…

Oh my gosh, this guy looks just like Tom Cruise.

Fleabag is on Saturday Night Live this weekend!

Cinnamon apple bread pudding.

An interesting Twitter thread: “What do people do for stress relief that is not drinking or smoking that is relatively inexpensive and not running?

Pretty fall staples (on sale!).

The surprising physical demands of chess. “Robert Sapolsky, who studies stress in primates at Stanford University, says a chess player can burn up to 6,000 calories a day while playing in a tournament, three times what an average person consumes in a day. Based on breathing rates (which triple during competition), blood pressure (which elevates) and muscle contractions before, during and after major tournaments, Sapolsky suggests that grandmasters’ stress responses to chess are on par with what elite athletes experience.”

Decorating your sneakers with Tattly temporary tattoos.

Love these heart-shaped breads.

Poll: You can insert the word “f*cking” into the William Carlos Williams poem “This is Just to Say” exactly once. Where would you put it?

What lovely everyday earrings.

I had the house to myself,” a mother of two writes. “I had an epiphany. For me, to truly restore, I need to stay home by myself instead leave my home.”

Would you frame photos that kids took themselves?

Plus, two reader comments:

Says Tali on what are your kid’s personalities: “My two kids (4 and 2) are so different from each other, but what actually shocks me is how different they are from ME. Like, every time my four-year-old daughter asks a complete stranger if she can pet their dog, I absolutely cringe (my current and kid self would never dare! #socialanxiety), like who are these little strangers that somehow came from my body!? We shall see!”

Says Jenn on top 5 favorite podcasts: “Oh my goodness, the Bill Hader episode of Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend is not to be missed! I listened to it while I was running on a treadmill at the gym and was laughing so hard that I nearly fell off. Listen and enjoy… preferably while sitting down, for safety’s sake.”

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(Photo by Sidney Morgan/Stocksy. Tom Cruise via Hither & Thither. Twitter thread via Swissmiss. William Carlos Williams via Kottke.)