True Botanicals

True Botanicals

Since I started Cup of Jo twelve years ago, part of my job has been to try different beauty products and report back. But no matter what else I try, I always come back to True Botanicals non-toxic beauty products. (And my mom uses them every day.) Here’s why they work so well…

True Botanicals

One of the things I love most about True Botanicals is the incredible founder, Hillary Peterson. She actually reminds me a lot of my mom (who has sworn by True Botanicals for years). Hillary has that same kind-hearted, elegant, warm feel. After talking to her for just a couple minutes, you can see see how much she truly wants to help people stay healthy and feel good.

When she was diagnosed with thyroid cancer 23 years ago, as a mother of twin babies, Hillary immersed herself in studying ways to support wellness. “At that time, no one really understood that what goes on your body goes into your body,” she explained. “But in research, I saw that the chemicals in women’s personal care products — which we were told would make us look and feel beautiful — were doing the opposite of what they said. They actually found chemicals from women’s personal care products in babies’ umbilical cord blood. Once I understood that, I had this aha moment.” She was moved to start a beauty company, with products that are good for you in every possible way.

The Natural, Non-Toxic Skincare Products I Always Come Back To

Hillary channeled her frustration with the beauty industry into clinical research to create pure, potent products that do what they promise. Every True Botanicals product is certified MADE SAFE®, which means it is made with completely nontoxic ingredients. Their line is entirely cruelty-free, and free of endocrine (hormone) disruptors, carcinogens, parabens, phthalates, synthetic fragrance and GMOs. Last but not least, everything is produced, packaged, and shipped in ways that minimize the impact on the environment.

The Natural, Non-Toxic Skincare Products I Always Come Back To

To be honest, I used to be a little skeptical of natural products — could they really show results in the same way? The answer, I’ve found from personal experience and you see in the research, is yes. “One of the most rewarding parts of this journey is hearing from customers,” Hillary says. “I’ve heard from people saying, ‘For the first time in years, I feel great going outside without makeup,’ or ‘I’ve tried everything to solve acne and this is the only thing that worked.’ I want people to have the confidence to reveal their skin and themselves.”

True Botanicals

So, if you’d like to try True Botanicals, where should you begin? My mom and I swear by the face oil, which makes your face soft and smooth. “The Renew Face Oil is far and away the standout product,” Hillary says. It reduces visible signs of aging, even outperforming Creme de La Mer in independent clinical trials.

The Resurfacing Moisture Mask, which Hillary calls “a facial in a jar,” also feels miraculous. It helps minimize pores and resurface skin to make your face glow. For the past year, I had a dry patch between my eyebrows, where my foundation would just sit on top. I tried many different exfoliators and lotions, but nothing worked. Finally, I tried the True Botanicals mask and in one day (one day!!!), it was totally hydrated.

True Botanicals

For overall brightening and glowiness, Hillary recommends mixing the Renew Serum with the Vitamin C Booster. If you have hyper-pigmentation (AKA those dark patches that are so common with age) this combo will help lighten them. She also uses it on the back of her hands, and the age spots got dramatically lighter. The serum also smells so good — really earthy and natural.

True Botanicals

True Botanicals

I love that True Botanicals is something you can feel really good using. If you’ve wanted to make the switch to clean skincare and are curious to try True Botanicals, I can’t recommend it highly enough.

Great news: True Botanicals is offering Cup of Jo readers 15% off using code CUPOFJO15. Offer valid through 8/31; cannot be applied to subscription purchases or combined with other discounts. Thank you so much!

Have you tried True Botanicals? Do you already love it? Please share below…

(Photos by Julia Robbs for Cup of Jo. This post is sponsored by True Botanicals, a brand whose products we use and love and whose mission we believe in. Thanks for supporting the brands that help keep Cup of Jo running.)