What are you up to this weekend? We’re grateful to be meeting up with old friends (Sharon Beesley, some of you know her old blog:) at this Kid & Coe house in East Hampton (thank you so much, Kid & Coe!). Our kids are excited for the bunk bed room that sleeps six kids. Hope you have a good one, and here are a few fun links from around the web…
When Harry Met Sally almost had a very different ending.
Obama surprises some Chicago interns. Their shocked faces!
These award-winning nature photos are incredible — including an eagle stealing a rabbit from a fox.
For sibling battles, be a sportscaster, not a referee. (New York Times)
Would you like to eat a sandwich with pickles as the bread?
Driving a car through France? Oh my gosh, these photos. (New York Times)
Reading what your kids are reading.
I’m into this at-home facial that has a cult following. Have you tried it?
Sad Animal Facts make me laugh every day.
And thank you for being excited about our editors’ picks! We’re looking forward to updating them with answers to reader requests (non-fiction books, maternity dresses, a daily sunscreen, etc!)
Plus, two reader comments:
Says Andrea to a low-key summer checklist: “The other night, kinda wiped out after a big day at work, I came home and changed out of my work clothes, but instead of getting dressed again, I threw open my bedroom windows, turned off the air conditioner, turned on the ceiling fan, and laid down on my bed in my bra and undies and read a book. Suddenly I was a sophomore in college again, living in an old house off campus with no air conditioning. My 12-year-old daughter came in my room, saw me, ran and grabbed her Wings of Fire book and laid down next to me. We didn’t drive to soccer, we didn’t cook dinner (about 8 p.m. we got up and ate some watermelon) and I think it’s a night I will always remember.”
Says Emily on what road trip songs do you love: “We always end with Sloop John B by the Beach Boys (‘I want to go home, let me go home, why don’t you let me go home…’) It is PERFECT when you are almost home and tired of being in the car for hours!”
(Photo of the When Harry Met Sally crew — Billy Crystal, Meg Ryan and director Rob Reiner — on set in 1989. Pickle sandwiches via Kottke.)