Roberta's Pizza

What are your plans this weekend? I’m going to my friend Gemma‘s tonight for pizza, chatting and no children in sight. Hope you have a good one, and here are a few links from around the web…

The New York Times said Aperol spritzes were bad, and the internet freaked out.

How would you describe your birth story in two words? (“Rockstar vibes.” “What the.” “Forty hours.” “Husband bathtub.” “Best gift.” “Infertile. Adoption.” “Pizza Afterwards.”)

Falling in love without alcohol.

I’ve been spotting women around town wearing T-shirts + polka dot skirts.

Love this swimming print.

Translations of your boss’s meeting invitations, haha.

A letter to my late wife on Mother’s Day. (Heartbreak.)

How to notice new things. “One would be Get There The Hard Way. At least once during your trip, go to some destination without taking directions from your phone… The other is Eat Somewhere Dubious. Have one meal at a restaurant that you didn’t find on Yelp or through any sort of recommendation and that doesn’t even look trendy or hip. First, you’ll have fun keeping an eye out for it: ‘Is THAT our dubious restaurant?’ Second, even if you have a mediocre meal, you’ll have an unpredictable experience!”

How beautiful is this bedroom color?

8 delicious packable sandwiches.

This movie looks wonderful.

Psst: Does anyone really like breakfast in bed?

Plus, two reader comments:

Says Ara on brownies taste test: “To my eternal shame, I’ve been baking and sharing box mix brownies for years – and lying about it out of embarrassment! Friends would gush and ask for the recipe, and I WOULD GIVE THEM A RANDOM RECIPE, knowing it wouldn’t come out like my brownies because mine came from a box. It’s my biggest secret. Shhh, don’t tell anyone!”

Says LS on advice for my younger self: “I would tell my younger self: You do not ever owe anyone an explanation for exiting a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable. No matter how big or small. Even if you’re unable to articulate it, as soon as you feel negativity in your gut, you are free to leave, and anyone who gives you a hard time about it does not deserve an explanation.”

(Photo by Stella Blackmon.)