What are you up to this weekend? I’m having some female friends over tomorrow night and kicking Alex out of the apartment. I’m also reading this book on many readers’ recommendations, and I can see why people call it life-changing. Hope you have a good one, and here are a few links from around the web…
All the Oscar nominees for 2019. Rooting for Roma!
“Why we’ll look back at our smartphones like cigarettes.”
Cutest look for Valentine’s Day.
“I know you love Timothée Chalamet but I love him more.”
My friend brought this mint chocolate chip ice cream over a few weeks ago, plus sugar cones, and now I’m wondering why I’ve always ignored that delicious flavor.
Sonnet James dresses are on Shark Tank! (Fast forward to 32:35.) Huge congratulations to founder Whitney.
If you want to be a writer, read first.
LOVE these thoughts on parenting.
A mother took photos of herself and her son over 17 years. (Tears!)
An argument for patting lipstick on with a finger.
Plus, two reader comments:
Says Stacey on birthday cakes: “My mom’s favorite part of the cake is the frosting. As children, my sister and I had the idea to make a ‘cake’ by dumping a pile of frosting in a cake pan. We let it chill long enough to solidify, then added candles. In our excitement, we asked our mom what her dream cake was. When she responded, ‘Probably just frosting,’ we squealed and brought her precisely that!”
Says Ashley on death: “I was lucky enough to attend a lecture by Jane Goodall a few months ago and someone asked her about her plans for the future — ‘What will her next adventure be?’ I’ll never forget, she sat there quietly and steadily and said, ‘Death. Death will be my next great adventure.’ A few weeks later, I sat in the hospital and helplessly watched my dad take his last breath, and all I could hear in that moment was Jane’s voice in my head, calmly and confidently saying, ‘Death is the next great adventure.'”
(Top photo by Nicki Sebastian. Smartphone article via Swissmiss. Teenage boys link via Hither & Thither.)