We feature an original illustration by Mari Andrew every Friday morning. Here’s today’s!
P.S. Conversation topics, and wise words.
We feature an original illustration by Mari Andrew every Friday morning. Here’s today’s!
P.S. Conversation topics, and wise words.
The sound of ice cubes hitting my glass. Champagne popping. And the sound of water hitting the wheel wells as cars pass on a rainy day.
this is one of my favorite illustrations. Very satisfying. :)
Recently before a trip on which we would be cooking at our Airbnb, I made a big pot of soup to freeze so we wouldn’t have to cook on our first night back. While in Italy I made another pot of soup. Something about having soup in two countries at the start of autumn was deeply satisfying!
Lighting a match is the best! I also love the feeling when you’ve just showered and put on fresh bedsheets and you get into bed and are living in an aura of happiness & comfort !
Popping bubble wrap, watching cream mix into your coffee/tea, being the first person to dip into a new jar of peanut butter, when this happens: https://youtu.be/QOtuX0jL85Y
I always clean like a crazy person before a trip, just so I can come back to a clean house! SO SATISFYING!
There are some work emails that I am so proud of! And I love Mari’s illustrations every week!
I always love coming home to a clean house.
At the risk of being completely hyperbolic, coming home to a clean house is maybe my greatest joy. Every morning before I leave for work I rush around and make sure everything is put away and the counters are clean. It makes such a difference!
Part of packing to go out of town for me includes cleaning my apartment so that I come home to a clean place. It’s the best!
me too! my husband and kids don’t get it! happy to know I am not alone, katterfox!
aw man, so good. thank you. love this.
For me, it’s opening a monthly subscription box (I get Book of the Month and The Crafter’s Box when finances allow). There’s just something about brand new hardcover books or a fun craft project that is so satisfying.
YES! Also, opening a new jar of peanut butter and getting into a bed with clean sheets!
Same! I wish I could feel satisfied after clicking send, but I usually go back and read the email again, even though it’s already been sent.
I love Mari’s posts every Friday! Always so “right on!” ;)
Returning to a clean house AND taking a shower in a shower that you cleaned before!
My husband and I were just saying this week that one of the unspoken negatives to having children is no longer getting to push buttons. Sometimes I want to push the elevator/blender/self-checkout/radio buttons! ;)
Loved your book, Tsh!
Thanks so much, JB!
Lighting a match! Ahh…
love this, except I don’t think I’ve ever felt positive feelings when hitting send! I’m a ball of nerves hahaha.
I’m sorry ladies, it’s Friday and my head is in the gutter. I thought the “spreading frosting” image was a condom. I couldn’t understand the image and the caption put together. Took me a few double takes. Am I the only one?!
p.s. YES to coming home to a clean house!!
Yes! NicER moment- coming back from vacation to a perfectly cleaned house ;) Happy belated birthday, Mari!
Writing something you’ve already done on your to-do list, then crossing it off! :)
Haha! I do this too! I’ll even break up a task — make lunch, eat lunch, wash up lunch dishes — just to have more chores to cross off!
I love this one! Especially “coming home to a house you cleaned earlier”. :)
What sorcery! Who are you and how do you know me so well?!
J/k – you’re awesome, Mari Andrew!
Especially coming home to a clean house!
Coming home to a clean house is the best!
Mari Andrew is clearly omnipotent.
Bottom row, middle. Yes!
Yes yes yes to all these! Thanks for adding joy and whimsy to my Friday Mari Andrew!
Yes to the returning to a cleaning house!
If I’ve put any kind of thought into an email, I am typically nervous when sending it!
Yes! Same for me
"Everyone should experience being a foreigner. It is completely humbling and cannot help but make you a more compassionate person."
Including a fascinating memoir and the prettiest nail polish...
One morning, I was walking to get coffee...