Last year, I got really into exercising. I learned to not hate running and found a favorite class. Doesn’t it feel great to stretch your legs? But recently…
My workout routine hit a wall.
I always made grand plans to exercise — the route! the leggings! the podcast! But after a long day of work and rowdy children, when 8 p.m. rolled around, getting changed into workout clothes seemed like an insurmountable obstacle. The only thing I wanted was a chilled glass of wine while watching Master of None. So that I would pour, and that I would watch.
I was kind of okay with it, until I a) noticed myself feeling more anxious/worried than usual, especially at night, and realized that exercise really helps in that way, and b) remembered this hilarious Mindy Kaling scene and identified with it completely.
My friend Lanie told me that she fits exercise into the “in between” moments of her day — she’ll jog home from work, or do sit-ups while watching TV. At the playground, she’ll do pull-ups on the monkey bars, just to get her blood pumping.
Also, what about mornings? Over the past couple weeks, I’ve been trying something new: I change from my pajamas directly into workout clothes. After dropping Toby off at school around 8:15 a.m., I take 30-minute bike ride — as quickly/vigorously as I can manage:) It’s not a huge amount, but it feels good and refreshing, and I can do it almost every day.
So, my question for the group: When do you exercise? What do you do? I’d love to hear…
P.S. Sneaky exercise, and two birthday revelations. Also, Toby’s first ride!
(Photo by Ana Gambuto for Cup of Jo. My beloved bike is by Priority Bicycles.)