Have a Great Weekend.

What are you up to this weekend? We are driving upstate with friends to stay in this barn. I’m so psyched and am crossing my fingers that there will be a few orange leaves on the trees. Hope you have a good one, and here are a few fun links from around the web…

How to wake up without an alarm.

Am I the last person to discover magic cakes?!

We just put up this spooooky Halloween decoration, and the boys could not love it more.

Digging these illustrations.

How to get dinner on the table.

A simple dress (with flirty shoulders) for date nights.

The sweetest walk to school.

What a cool fashion week round-up.

An awesome interview with Sara Blakely of Spanx fame, who incidentally is the youngest self-made female billionaire. What a rock star!

This movie trailer looks good.

This is chilling. #imwithher

Also, I just have to say, thank you so much for the awesome, smart, funny comments, as always. Here are two I thought I’d share:

From Ramsey: “Regarding the Crappy Dinner party, a woman I know who has three kids and is a big-deal judge (hence, a very busy lady) was at work one day feeling sad about not seeing her friends much anymore, so she thought, ‘What the heck?’ and sent out an email to a ton of friends that just said: ‘Party at my house tonight, 7 p.m.’ Forty people showed up! Wine and pizza, messy house, who cares? They had a blast. I forget if she checked with her husband first, haha.”

From Amanda: “My dad always advised, ‘Never complain, never explain.’ I think it’s important to always be a force of positivity in the workplace — big energy, humor, and kindness. The ‘never explain’ part means (to me, anyway) to always take in criticism and use it to your advantage. Resist the urge to explain why you did something a certain way. It doesn’t matter, except to your ego. Just take in the criticism and learn from it. Don’t take it personally.’

(Photo by Stella Blackmon.)