Our babysitter came in today wearing this bag, and it made me laugh out loud.
P.S. Dog, wine and wedding totes.
Our babysitter came in today wearing this bag, and it made me laugh out loud.
P.S. Dog, wine and wedding totes.
I gave this to my friend as a gift filled with foodie snacks. She loved it and it’s a great quality bag!
Lovely… :)
Funny Jokes
This is so cute!!
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My friend just got me this bag!I It’s so fun to bring to farmer’s markets. I always get comments on it and it just makes people happy :) Saving the world, one laugh at a time!
I laughed more than I should have…too funny
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Nice! I have a very cute tote that my son drew on for me http://joyacoustics.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/a-bag-of-love.html
I love that bag, you know why?because it can go to any outfit.
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Best bag ever! Just tried to buy for my sister but its on back order!
i love! my boyfriend and i want goats so bad. we live in the suburb & in our city… they do not allow goats… we were so sad :( i want a petting zoo for my 30th bday party… =)
Haha love it! Reminds me of my recent tote bag find – “Live Every Week Like It’s Shark Week.” Pretty much. http://www.oclocalfare.com/shark-week-tote-bag/
Haha it’s adorable!
This is PERFECT timing! My six year old just came home from school last week telling me that her and her bff “started” this new saying “Totes ma gotes” and then proceeded to explain to me what it meant, as if I had no idea. She would DIE to have this.
Hah! That is awesome.
So cute!! Just ordered it for my mom lol. She likes stuff like this. It’s on backorder, but should ship with plenty of time for Xmas.
aww, both funny and cute! I love goats, they’re so determined
Oh my gosh this is perfect lol
I need this asap! how cute!!!
Ha! I’m a huge fan of adding a little humor into my life – and this is great!
ha! needed that laugh!
Oh my goodness…I say that ALL the time. I need it!
That’s adorable!
Oh my goodness, this is amazing! I want this!
Baa, ha, ha! (Too much?) :)
Ha! Love this!