Thank you for all the sweet notes and comments about the baby. My due date came and went, and we’re still waiting for this little one to arrive. Cross your fingers for us this weekend! Hope you have a great holiday with lots of ice cream and hot dogs. If you’re in a blog-reading mood, here are some fun posts from around the web…
A beautiful essay about waiting for a baby.
And this funny website is coming in handy.
Not your typical Paris apartment.
How to fold a shirt in less than 2 seconds. (Worth watching.)
Prince William and Kate Middleton look-a-likes!
Smart tips for choosing the right rug.
How to make whipped feta.
This sunscreen slideshow made me smile. Been there.
Germans are now using this rude English word.
20 pies for the summer.
This funny book looks surprisingly reassuring.
Wearing this nail color this weekend.
Study: People with lots of self-control are happier.
Have a good one! xo
(Flag cake from Smitten Kitchen. “Love you back” via Swissmiss)