Our baby must be cozy because I haven’t gone into labor yet! My due date is still a couple days away, but my doctor really expects the baby to arrive early, so we’re on pins and needles.

In the meantime, Alex and I have been trying to work in some pre-baby Last Hurrahs—going to a romantic Italian restaurant, hanging with friends, staying up late watching movies. So, last night, we decided to do an at-home spa night, where we drank sparkling water, gave each other massages (and foot rubs), and busted out…Biore Pore Strips.

Have you ever tried them? You stick them on your nose, wait ten minutes and then peel them off, along with all the dirt and blackheads. I know, it’s gross. But! They are weirdly awesome and satisfying, and the funny thing is, guys love them. When I was younger, I used to even bring a pack home at Christmas for my male relatives, who would all jump at the chance to compare their used strips. It’s a rare mix of guy humor and girly pampering.

(Haha, I spared Alex from posing for a photo.) It was a really fun night, and I’d recommend them if you want to do something amusing and random one evening.

P.S. Just for fun, here’s Toby dressed up as Daddy earlier that evening. #nailedit

P.S. 10 NYC dates, including fire-escape drinks and a terrifying trapeze class.