Every night, I always want to make homemade dressing—after all, a great dressing really makes the salad—but at the end of a long day, I don’t feel like chopping shallots and sauteeing garlic. So, I don’t. Instead, I end up using oil and vinegar and the salad is subpar.
But Real Simple recently had a great tip: Make salad dressing ahead of time for the week. What a no-brainer, but it never occurred to me to just make a larger amount and store it in a bottle.
Now I’m inspired to experiment with vinaigrettes.
Bracing French vinaigrette with Dijon mustard and lemon…
Would you do this? Do you already? Maybe I’m the last one to the party:) And I’d love to hear any recommendations for homemade salad dressings…
(Top photo from Terrain)