What are you doing this weekend? Alex has been working like a dog this week (he’s actually still at the office), so I’m excited to get him back in my clutches. Also, our dear friends are moving to New Jersey and having a goodbye party (sniff), but the silver lining is that Toby and I get to bake a cake for them! Hope you have a good one, and here are a few fun posts from around the web…
Yes! It’s time for pumpkin pudding.
NASA’s flicker set.
Lauren Bush’s wedding dress.
Perfect party shoes.
Thanksgiving croissants? Intense!
Funny (and fake) Royal Wedding photos.
Great 70th birthday gift.
A delicious winter meal.
Wouldn’t you love these wedding flowers?
What a cutie!
Lovely vintage photos.
And a random tip: Emersonmade grey jeans are seriously the best jeans I’ve ever had. So flattering. I’d highly recommend them.
Have a good one! xoxo
(Photos of Gene Kelly)