I’m terrible at doing my hair and usually wear it in a messy bun. So I was excited to see that Julie did a post on how to do Heidi braids. What a cute fall look! Will you try it?
I’m terrible at doing my hair and usually wear it in a messy bun. So I was excited to see that Julie did a post on how to do Heidi braids. What a cute fall look! Will you try it?
I just love the braiding idea.I’m definitely gonna give this a try.
Thanks a lot for this and best of luck of future.
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yes! i love braided hair, and have always wanted to do this. thank you SO much <3
This is one of my mainstays. I love the heidi braids. I included this image in my fall fashion post :)
Now that I’ve let my hair grow long, I do this look lots! I went deep sea fishing and did the heidi braids and it stayed all day, and looked cute too! It’s worth growing your hair out for!
Of course I’ll try and then I’ll send you a picture, if I can make it look good :)
This is funny I just looked up how to do these for a new fall look this week. They really are a lot easier then they look, and great when you don’t feel like washing your hair!
I just did my first Heidi braids; it feels like I am wearing a crown. I like it, even though my hair could be a little longer. Something to look forward to! Thanks for link!
I’ve been wearing my hair like this ALL summer. I love it! so easy and I don’t have to wash it for days…
Sweet! I love it but am not usually good with things like this. I’ll give it a shot though!
I agree that I absolutely adore this look – the one catch for me is my hair is too short! I entreat any lady out there to come up with the heidi braid alternative for those of us with shoulder length hair :)
I was terrible at doing my hair especially braiding, but I really wanted to learn so I watched youtube videos and kept practicing and got better at it. Now I get compliments on my French braids. Don’t give up Joanna! And thanks so much for posting this, I’ve always wanted to learn how. I hope my hair is long enough.
I would love to try it again with this how-to-do, but all the times when I tried to do this before my hair kind of exploded/ballooned/poofed out over my ears when I pinned up the braids…
I really adore this knd of hairdo, it’s feminine and cute. And actually not so difficult at all.
Was just at Oktoberfest last weekend, and every German girl had her hair like this (which means I stuck out like a tourist with my hair worn down). I hope by next year’s fest, my hair is long enough to do this – it’s lovely!
So romantic… sure I’ll try! I’m still wiping my eyes after reading your birth story. Thank you.
I would love to try, but my hair isn’t long enough at the moment. I can’t even tie it up into a mini bun because it comes out like a fish tail!
Long can easily do that and looks great after all.
I think my hair’s a little too short for this hairstyle. Maybe in about a year?
I did try to figure it out myself after your post a couple days ago!! It didn’t turn out quite like this, but I still really liked it, and the husb did too :)
great look…too bad i just chopped my hair off. perhaps i could try a mini version. thanks for sharing.
i think it is a super cute look!!
смотрится здорово!))
Love them! They look so cute, and I really like your blog too, first time here! The pictures of your baby are adorable, it really makes me want to have a baby too although I’m still pretty young. I’ll surely come back around!
Such a cute look but I am terrible at braiding hair too.
I love it! It never looks that good when I do it myself!
Thank God there are people who do these online tutorials! Some of us would be so lost otherwise! ;)
Not anymore, no. But one of my grandmothers did, long red hair & all. I think if this was forced on you as a child (raise your hands, people), you might not like it. This looks cute though.
This makes me want to have long hair for a day!
i totally would try it but my hair is not long enough.
soon enough it will be. i’ll send you a pic :)
Looks lovely on you!!! I don’t have thick hair though so I don’t think it would be very pretty on me….
I shall have to give it a shot for a final verdict.
I wish I was better at braids. I can do a fishtail and a regular braid, but I couldn’t french braid my own hair to save my life. Wouldn’t it be nice if someone came over to your house every morning and did your hair for you?
it’s cute, but i don’t think i’d be able to pull it off. on the right person, it would look absolutely adorable!
This is such a cute look, I’m a sucker for braids and buns so the combo is even better. I’m terrible at doing my hair as well, I’ll have to find a (patient) friend to try it on me!
Very cute ~ I used to wear my hair like this (in grade school) and it’s time to give it a try again I see ~ a true example of a fashion coming back into vogue :)
it seems to simple, i’ll have to give it a try.
ps. we’re having a giveaway here: http://www.faucethead.com/blog/?p=1208. feel free to stop by. you always have the best giveaways so we’ve tried to learn a few things from you!
that’s beautiful on you, i WISH i could pull it off, but definitely not with my super thick layered hair :(
I’ve been doing my hair like this a lot lately! I heart it.
I’ve been doing mine sorta like this for years…but only on occasion! It’s a great do!! :-)
Love it! If only I had long hair!
Yes! I’m in Lviv this month, and this ‘do will totally be Yulia Tymoshenko-chic!
absolutely! i have long straight hair so hopefully it will work! i wonder if you can do just half braided up and still have some hair down … i’ll let you know ;)
I’ll give it a shot! Although I’m convinced that wearing my hair up makes me look like a twelve-year-old, it would be nice to have a change!
I have long hair…but it’s layered! So I think I could not do this look :/
Super cute though!
For having long hair, I need to start getting a little more creative. I’ll have to give this a shot!
Adorable! I think I would get a hair-ache though…
yes! my hair has just about reached long enough for these!i have super thick hair though and the braids always end up so fat ;-)
i will “try” it and by “try” i mean that’s pretty much what the end result will be. just an attempt. i’m so bad at braids!
I do this a few times a year and have been thinking of doing it more often, too! Mine usually looks pretty sloppy, though, so I can use the tutorial. About a decade ago I spent a semester in St. Petersburg, and my female Russian teachers were so sweetly enchanted when I came to school like this. One clasped her hands to her heart and said, “Here is a truly womanly head” (which sounds much less natural in English than it did in Russian!).
I’ve got crazy boy short hair but I do love a braid. I french braided my daughters hair all the time when she was little. She loved how wavy it was the next day. The Heidi is kinda cute!
If I had such beautiful hair as Julie has I will definetly wear it like this :)
oh yes. I will TRY, because I’m really bad at fixing my hair, but love love love braids.
P.S. such cute pictures in the previous post. Your birth story has decreased my fear of giving birth substantially. Thank you!
Ooo this is without a doubt my favourite way to wear my hair! Once you get the hang of it, it’s surprisingly easy and hassle free… and happens to look fab! Thanks for sharing more about your first days with Toby – looks so precious.
Much love, Hannie
AAA! If only my hair were long enough I would TOTALLY do this!
I’ve tried it!! My hair is really long so this hair-style really gets my hair out from my eyes. Cute tutorial too!! Easy!!
oh really, lesley? how fun to know! and so cute about your great-grandma, katie. my grandma always twists her hair into a big fat white bun. :)
This looks lovely! I’m just back rom Paris and lots of girls were wearing this style
sadly for me my hair is long enough for the messy bun (unfortunately, i think it’s my trademark…i never have it down b/c i never blow-dry!) but not for the braids :(
however, i still have a youtube instruction video bookmarked on how to do them, should my hair ever reach proper length :)
let us know if they work out for you!!
i would LOVE to if my hair was braidable :o( … i wish i worked with some gals that could be doing my hair right now! *smiles*
yes i will definitely try them! I have tried before but ended up giving up way too early lol. i need to stick with it and figure it out!
I am hopeless at doing my hair! But I do love this look :)
Ahhhhhh adorable!!! My great grandma ALWAYS had her hair in Heidi braids, and I remember thinking how charming they were when I was little, so this post brings back sweet memories. :)
I love them! My mom used to do my hair like that when I was little and put a big bow right on top in the middle. You gotta love moms :)
I used to do my hair like that all the time when I was younger but of course it looked horrible. I wonder if it’s possible to still look college-age and get the Heidi look?
I will absolutely try it!!! I have needed a tutorial for this one. Oh, and just because I will try it doesn’t mean it will be “public ready”. :) Some of my “hair styles” don’t leave the bathroom mirror. LOL.
Cool! Might be a way to tame the many many curls that come with rainy season.