Oh my goodness, Jordan‘s friend Aubrey put together this “installation” for her boyfriend’s birthday! How absolutely fabulous is that?! Bonus: Under each orange is a sweet birthday note from a loved one. Genius.
(Via Oh Happy Day)
Oh my goodness, Jordan‘s friend Aubrey put together this “installation” for her boyfriend’s birthday! How absolutely fabulous is that?! Bonus: Under each orange is a sweet birthday note from a loved one. Genius.
(Via Oh Happy Day)
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That is such a romantic photo! Thanks for sharing…Very nice indeed.
What an amazing idea. I love it, and that she got his loved ones to write little notes.Very sweet.
Cool, beautiful and romantic! Thanks for this wonderful post.
all of the colors are completely fabulous!! :)
Some people are so romantic! I would rather receive love notes at the end of streamers over an expensive gift any day of the week!!
genious. that’s one lucky man and one creative girl. might have to steal that one;)
that´s so sweet!
soooooo sweet…i bet he loved it!
so nice and so much effort. a really good idea which nobody will forget!
now, *that* is a brilliant birthday gift! how can anything ever compare??
what a smarty pants she is to think of something so adorable for her birthday boy!
I love it when people make someone’s day by showing them how special they are. So sweet, thank you for sharing!
so adorable. such a great idea!
Oh my, that’s one lucky guy! This is so creative and sweet.
What a cool idea!
how cute!!
What a cool idea! It’s beautiful.
wow. :)
really sweet!
W O W.
Really adorable!
Pooscum you are blog famous!
Love this!!
major points for him!!! genius is right.
My boyfriend’s birthday is St. PAtrick’s Day. I have been trying to think outside the box. He definitely doesn’t want stuff so now my wheels are cranking! This must be S.f.!
definitely one of the best ideas as far as birthdays are concerned that ive ever seen! =]
I saw this and I thought you might be interested. They are actually NYC Ballet dancers modeling the wedding dresses! I’m totally blogging about this tomorrow… fitting since I have a dance/fashion/food blog.
Oh wow! What a fantastic idea! Thanks for sharing. Gives me a few days for a special upcoming birthday.
wow, beyond sweet!
Wow! That is quite a lovely birthday gift! He must feel so loved!
It is like a rainbow … how creative!
i love that it’s like a rainbow falling down a flight of stairs!
That is so perfectly sweet.
How lovely !
That is simply amazing. Love it.
This girl is so sweet and romantic with his boyfriend, i cant believed it maybe someday my girlfriend well also do this to me. :D
I just love these things!
Genius. Oh Happy Day has to be one of my all time favourite blogs!
Lovely! This will be a forever memory to cherish.
This is such an inspired idea and goes to show you that you can make a big birthday statement with a few streamers and a bunch of oranges. One of the things that struck me about this is that there are no bystanders to be found anywhere (well in the photo at least). Oh but where to find an abandoned outdoor staircase in downtown Toronto (which is where me and hubby live)? Still. What a fun idea!
beautiful & so inspiring! :)
This is completely brilliant! Best idea I’ve seen in quite awhile!
How sweet! That is cool beyond!! I love the idea that she came up with this! Jo, come see my latest art & follow me, I would love your thoughts!
Art by Karena
Some people are so creative with birthdays, I wish I was one of them (or their lucky loved ones)!
Ah… that must be one of the best birthday gifts ever.. I’d melt away if a guy would do that for me… No it definately is the best BD gift ever! :) xxx
yeah, and see the orange fruits on the steps? actual oranges! so cute.
I luv that and the color of orange!
:)…..makes my :> go pitter pat!
Some people are just Awesome (yes, with a capital A!)
Never in a million years could I have thought up something so grand, romantic and creative! Lovely! She should start a website of ideas like this so us other schmucks have a resource.
Now THAT’S the best present ever!
These arty types, they’re an inventive bunch.
That is such an amazing idea. And they are totally the cutest couple!
Aww how sweet!!
Awe, this just made my lunch break :) How romantic!!
wow!!! how adorable is that :D
i know, wallflower–it makes me want to start brainstorming! :)
Some people are so romantic! I would rather receive love notes at the end of streamers over an expensive gift any day of the week!!
xoxo Laura
That’s amaaaazing! Might do something similar myself. :$
omg. there are no words.
Until then, I had lived a small life, trying to tiptoe through the world.
A painter on monochrome dressing, timeless coats, and going gray.