For some reason, I’ve never really liked leopard prints (too Mrs. Robinson), but this rosy-cheeked girl might change my mind. Doesn’t she look pretty?
(Photo by Mr. Newton)
For some reason, I’ve never really liked leopard prints (too Mrs. Robinson), but this rosy-cheeked girl might change my mind. Doesn’t she look pretty?
(Photo by Mr. Newton)
I’ve always been such a sucker for leopard and that lovely top paired with the killer jacket is just another reason why!
Nice Post Love Reading It
Yes, I agree. She looks lovely. I only love certain leopard prints. This one is just right :D
Happy Sunday!
P.S. whats wrong with a little Mrs Robinson anyway, she was hot.
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I love the casual look of it! the entire outfit is fab.
I don’t like leopard prints either but what I have noticed in your photo is on how you carry that bag, it’s so glamorous!
Her look is chic, effortless and so cool! I like her slouchy bag too :)
good!nice page!浪花一朵朵,海景民宿,海景工作坊,海景民宿,聽濤閣民宿,鹽寮民宿,海景民宿,南山泛舟,慈濟精舍,親水公園,宇宙樂園,南濱公園,石雕博物館,石藝大街,北濱公園,文教基金會,香草健康世界,森林公園,兆豐休閒農場,文史工作室,遊憩區,太魯閣,海景民宿,海景民宿,魚爸的家,聽濤閣民宿,海景民宿,經典海岸,海明蔚民宿,豐廬居,海景民宿,海景民宿,豐興餅舖,曾記麻糬,餅舖,宗泰食品,光復糖廠,柴魚博物館,德利豆乾,傅家茶坊,豐春冰果室,山西烙餅,太監雞,佳興冰果室,剝皮辣椒,鍾家臘肉,彭記擂茶,包心粉圓,葉記香腸,夏都,凱撒,福華,英國茶館,奧地利鄉廚,美食館,義大利麵,無煙燒肉,日本料理,鄉村玫瑰館,鳥福居酒屋,牛排館,徐家啥鍋,南瓜海鮮麵,濃稠香郁,墨魚醬汁,蛋黃麵,卡波,單餅,南歐風情,西餐廳
I bought these this season from Target: http://bit.ly/acjML to add some spice to my fall wardrobe. I *love* them!
That is an ocelot print not leopard. It’s so much nicer.
totally agree about the leopard thing…but i loving it with the torn jeans
I think this rosy-cheeked girl would look good in anything!
This is wonderful. Effortless, right? I do LOVE leopard. I have it dabbled in throughout my life. And love the Mrs. Robbinson reference…sign me up! Is that just horrible? I’m going to go tease my hair now and find a young man to seduce. Great pic! xoxo
Oy! Careful what you say about Mrs. Robinson! ;)
I love a bit of animal print, when worn correctly..and this is the way to wear it! Only one piece of clothing or accessories..only one! The tough biker jacket and boyfriend jeans make this outfit, I love it
Amazing! I wonder who makes the leopard print top? I love that it’s oversized print, which makes it more interesting and less “printy”
Coo-coo-ca-choo! I love it.
if it wasn’t 35o and 99% humidity i would be wearing a leopard print vest and leather jacket for sure.
She is beautiful. I love leopard print too! I love adding the trend in shoes. It makes an outfit playful. Very fun!
i think the large size of the pattern as well as the bagginess of the shirt help quite a bit. i’d never really considered leopard print, either!
I agree about the lepord prints! I thought i was the only one who didn’t like looking like an animal carcass –
except sometimes cute on ballet flats, no?
i like the large scale print! very unique.
i love the styling of this. so relaxed, it makes the leopard look refreshingly chic. i also like this particular leopard print. quite unexpected.
She pulls it off without looking cheap, I think that that is usually the issue!
I like the jacket, top and tote, but I hate the jeans. I think it would look much nicer with a darker, straighter legged jean.
I think the broken in boyfriend jeans helps out a lot…
She is doin it! I also feel a little weird wearing it for some reason.
what a great outfit! leopard print has always been the one fashion-themed difference between my best friend and myself… I love it and she HATES (insert gag noise) it. I do have to admit I feel a little self conscious when I wear it however ;-)
She looks great! The leopard print reminds me of Rachel Comey leopard retractors dress at http://www.petuliasfolly.com!
Leopard print chair…. leopard print shoes, leopard print scarves… leopard print purse…. but not all at one time! I love it! Call me Mrs. Robinson! I always called myself HIP! Je Suis HIP!! Glad you are coming around!
hey she is so pretty! and even thou i like the outfit i think the prettyness is all in her makeup! she would pob look amazing in anything!
and the leopard print is so popular this season!!
love leopard print, BUT it has to be done right…this gal looks amazing : )
I love her look and outfit!! xx
OK. I must address this Anon personne above. I was just leaving a cat comment on zee bun but now I’m steamed.
Just because someone writes/paints about (parts) of their life does not mean they cannot place boundaries on their personal narrative. They can entertain questions publicly or privately as they wish. It’s a very difficult position to place oneself in, but there it is. Civility would call for some restraint on a subject that might not be welcome here. And no, I do not know a thing about it & do not know Jo personally. But I well know what this might be like (maybe).
Now. Matter at hand. Cat/animal prints.
Yes, she looks cute. The older you are, the more careful you have to be (alas, in so much). I have a bag with a small print in it, a ribbon, accent here & there. And one fabulous black leather (consignment shop, PETA-peeps) jacket & the lining in it is (fake!) leopard. I nearly freaked out when a friend begged to buy it for me (where is he now??) because of the print & it’s fuzzyish as it’s cold weather jacket. It was needless worry. Looks great.
Off on chocolate run.
I don’t really like her outfit at all, but I’m blinded by her beauty, so it really doesn’t matter what she’s wearing!
i was never really into them either until last week at the YSL sample sale when i found the BEST leopard print shirt. i have worn it twice since.
WOW – did you actually delete my question yesterday about Josh? Why won’t you answer? You are the one who has chosen to post your life afterall.. and do you not invite feedback and questions??
I LOVE leopard prints and own many a leopard piece, but my ultimate wish is the perfect leopard coat.
Ha, I couldn’t agree more but she’s totally rockin’ it! I think that rad men’s watch and slouchy tote have a little something to do with it. (I’m a sucker for both!)
of course she could. Her name is Hannah Davis, she is a model. You have most likely seen her in Ralph Lauren e-commerce and even some victorias secret.
I love leopard print slingback heels, but that’s about it. I think leopard print shirts and leggings and such look cheap. (But that girl could wear a burlap sack and look lovely.)
beautiful girl!
I agree about leopard prints, and most animal prints… I’m not a great fan. But she looks really good! I’m loving her leather jacket… xx
She looks amazing. I am being converted to leopard prints in moderation.
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