My mom and I just got back from a wonderful, enchanting, giggly week in Paris. Looking through the photos is hilarious since there are so many of us hanging out in restaurants and cafes…a disproportionate amount, really :)

In Paris, we relied on a handy map, a lovely email from Vic, and Jordan‘s friend’s amazingly charming guide (downloadable here–I’d highly recommend it). This happy sharing is one reason why I love the blogging community. Thank you SO much, everyone!

The restaurant we loved most of all was actually one Josh had discovered when he lived in Paris two years ago: L’Ourcine. We had loved it back then, and when I took my mom back on this trip, it was even more delicious. A three-course meal for just thirty euro in a simple, warm and welcoming restaurant (photos above).

Hope you had a nice week! xoxo