Lucy and I are turn 28 today! I’m really excited for this birthday (despite being only two years from thirty, as my dad helpfully pointed out the other day:). I think it will be a great year. Here are Lucy and me at our very first birthday, in Paris — can you guess who’s who?
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Holy smokes! Toby definitely looks like you. I’ve only ever seen the resemblance to your husband before!
Goodness, there’s so much effective info above!
Dear Jo, you mum is so pretty:-)
I have twin baby girls too :-)
Actually, I think this was taken at Paul and Ashley dayer’s house in Buffalo when you were less than one. We were visiting from Paris and I am not completely sure of the timing… The three candles were most likely for you, Lucy and Ashley on your first birthdays. But I invite corrections of that memory. HBD!
ah yes, i have gotten mileage out of it. but it is so cute! plus, it’s the only one that’s scanned. :)
happy birthday! you’re on the left? one thing is for certain: you’ve gotten a lot of mileage out of this picture. we get it. you two looked the same. with this little picture contest, you’re trying to reap the benefits of being identical twins without having made any of the sacrifices.