Find yourself someone who looks at you the way babies look at ceiling fans. By the brilliant Brooke Barker.
P.S. Ways to say I love you and great things bookstores have.
Find yourself someone who looks at you the way babies look at ceiling fans. By the brilliant Brooke Barker.
P.S. Ways to say I love you and great things bookstores have.
Oh this made me tear up today. I love my nieces so much and I feel SEEN 😊
watching a newborn smile at bright lights is the most hilarious thing ever, like a moth to a flame
Oh my yes! My newborn nephew was obsessed with the corner of a mirror frame–he’d just stare at it and make these faces like he was responding to some sort of conversation–we half-joked he was talking to an angel or something. Who knew it was a thing?
Ha this made laugh. I remember excitedly showing our baby an ELEPHANT getting a bath. I was thrilled that they were thrilled! So full of wonder and joy… until I followed their line of sight right to the ceiling fan high above its head. lol.
Omg YES to the fans! We also named ours when our son was little: Wendy, Blendy, and Ariel.
OMG I’m doing this for my 3 month old grandson!!
For my oldest, the most enthralling random thing was driving through a tunnel. He could be in the middle of the most serious car-induced screaming fit, but if we drove through a tunnel he’d instantly go silent and his eyes grew wider than I would’ve thought possible. We were always grateful for those tunnels.
And blinds! And striped shirts!
When my older daughter was a newborn, I took a series of photos of her staring at our ceiling fan. We used to joke it was her best friend.
we tell my son the same thing – that his first friend was his ceiling fan!
Ha, same! We made up a song entitled “I’m a fan of the ceiling fan” and sang it to my son until he was about one and a half.
We do the same! Why baby clothes are covered in pictures of dogs and bears and cars is beyond me – put them in ceiling fan onesies!
My son used to have deep conversations with the overhead light. I loved it so much – he would just “oooo. oh. ahhhh” away at it.
You left out window trim. Hot stuff for newborns.
spot on!
We always joked we had a ghost that only our twin girls could see because as newborns they would just stare into corners at nothing sometimes. Now at 18 months they love to wave and say “bye” to the empty room as they crawl up the stairs with us to go to bed. Apparently the ghost is still at it.
I love this! When my firstborn was about a year old, he was learning baby sign language, so we taught him the sign for “fan.” He used the sign to ask us to turn on the ceiling fan All The Time!
My son had his first huge meltdown when he saw a spinning ceiling fan for the first time in his life. He was 6 months old and I was putting him to bed on our first night staying with my parents. He had never seen a ceiling fan before, and noticing the long, black blades whirring in the semi-darkness above his head as he was drifting off to sleep must have terrified him. Probably felt like a huge bird of prey coming to get him. He cried inconsolably for a full hour.
He is now 7.5 months old; we are still staying with my parents and have not been using the ceiling fans despite the heat. He is getting used to them gradually. Sometimes the wind spins them gently and he doesn’t seem to mind but when we tried to turn one on and it went faster, my son got a bit alarmed, so we had to end that experiment.
Irina- my daughter was so terrified of ceiling fans when she was a baby that we would have to call restaurants before going to make sure they didn’t have one! I am literally lying here with my just born grandson staring up at the ceiling fan in my daughter’s house. Let’s hope he likes them!
My newborn loved shadows which freaked us out! do you baby, do you!
Haha, this took me right back to those newborn days when all the ceiling fans in our apartment had names (Stan, Dan, and Fran) because they were such an enthralling part of our lives!
omg hahahahaha love that.
we had a ceiling light that looked like a boob and the only thing that made me laugh those first hard four weeks was when he would hold her toward the light and sing “boobie in the sky with diamonds.” so dumb; but it tickled me and she looked at that light like it was her mother. (don’t worry by six weeks we were good… well not good of course but better).
"Everyone should experience being a foreigner. It is completely humbling and cannot help but make you a more compassionate person."
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