How have you been sleeping? By the wonderful Grace Farris.
P.S. Staying-in tops and pandemic hair.
Did you say something dumb and/or embarrassing at a party 10 years ago?
10mg’s melatonin an hour before bed has been a new and vital aide. Also I keep a cup of super strong chamomile tea by the bed because just a few sips in the middle of the night is way more helpful than I ever guessed it would be for the nights I don’t take melatonin.
This has also been the perfect time to cut way way back on caffeine with an eye towards quitting entirely because I can just have a quick 15min lie-down whenever and then get up refreshed instead of relying on a caffeine jolt.
Lastly I know that for me – sweaty exercise is pretty key to how I will sleep that night so I am trying to get into it by running daily but it’s very difficult to commit even though I want to. I’m trying.
This list is so accurate it’s uncanny!
My insomnia is back for the first time in years and it is miserable. I had been sleeping great for a long time – but continuing my ritual of a hot lavender bath before bed in the hopes that I get back to sleeping well :)
Do I have to pee?
Awake at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, sound asleep at 7 and alarm goes at 7:15. Relatable.
I have insomnia and have been listening to this podcast called Get Sleepy. The narrator tells you bedtime stories in a calm, pleasant voice. The thought of this sounded infantile to me and I thought I would hate it, but surprise! I really like it and it puts me to sleep. The stories are interesting, but not so much so that they keep you awake or cause bad dreams.
Is the window open?
Are the cinemas open yet? (Yes! From Paris)
Yes! Add a cat intermittently jumping on my head while I contemplate the November election and our militarized police force. ? I took part in a 4 mile BLM march yesterday and still couldn’t sleep last night!
Yep, election–militarized police–pandemic–election–police–pandemic–do I have to pee?—election–police–pandemic…and around it goes…
I used to really stress about waking up at night until I heard this fantastic interview with a historian who studies nighttime (who knew this was even a thing)! He argues that a full night’s sleep is actually a fairly modern invention. It really shifted my thinking and helped me relax and put less pressure on myself (and my kids). I recommend listening at night by candlelight in your comfiest pajamas:
haha. perfect.
Are Breonna Taylor’s killers arrested yet?
Thank you
Yes. This keeps me up at night.
Yes the ghost of my missed opportunities & dreams needs a glass of water! Also I’ve been having the weirdest dreams since March.
Me too! They all involve people not wearing masks and hanging out like we used to though. Makes me sad when I wake up.
Add: Dying pets and sick kids to the list. Is it 2021 yet?
“Does the ghost of your missed opportunities/ dreams need a glass of water?”
Wow. This resonated with me. What a beautiful and profound line. <3
used to be an A+ sleeper. Fast asleep within 2 minutes of my head hitting the pillow. Now a days, I could lay there for 4 hours before I fall asleep. So much to worry about and my feet overheat instantly after the first anxious thought.
All of the above + anxiety, stress, fear, fear of turning 40 in 2 years and some change, gaining control of my finances, sadness over the state of the world. My lack of (good) sleep is translating into a semi-permanent migraine. My insides are going to be made up of Advil and caffeine pretty soon.
Don’t fear 40, it will be the best time in your life. Save your fears for 50 :-)
All of this, in one night!
The Monastery post/comments won’t load for me; I don’t have trouble with any other posts on the site, so I’m guessing it’s just that post that might be a little buggy? Sorry to post as a comment on this one, but since I couldn’t access comments on the Monastery one, it seemed like the best option. Could you please share the Monastery discount code with me here? Thank you so much! sk
You may want to try it on a different browser. For me it won’t work on Google Chrome (on PC), but it works on cell-phone and Firefox (on PC).
I have the same problem using firefox on a mac.
Will the kids be in schools in the fall? to that checklist
Related: How am I going to keep doing the full time job plus kids at home for another month, let alone…..9 months, at the rate the US is going
Hot feet! Sometimes cold feet too.
Hahaha, it was just too hot last night, how did you know?
ouch, my heart. :(
This list is kind of tone deaf. It seems like a “before” list.
Is my family racist? Am I ready to lose my relationship with my father? How do black and brown people go on? How is it that I am not the victim of violence when so much violence and abuse has been perpetrated onto black communities? How do we live in a world where cruelty is given a uniform, a school system, a church, and a government? How is it that I was never taught history? Will my employer not like my LinkedIn posts when I post in support of black and brown students that I support at the university I work for? How could someone die calling out for life? What happens to incarcerated juveniles when they get sent to adult prison? How do we deconstruct the protection of southern notions of female purity that started lynching. How do we not neglect black women’s sufferings?
YES to all of the above. Social media doesn’t help insomnia, either
Three weeks ago, my husband and I moved from our house in the suburbs to an apartment in Manhattan...