What are you up to this weekend? Alex and I are taking a weekend getaway to Big Sur! We’ve never been, and we’re so psyched for hikes and crazy views. My mom is staying with the boys in Brooklyn, and Toby made us promise to bring home lollipops. Hope you have a good one, and here are a few fun links from around the web…
I’m reading this book on our trip, and I’m really into it.
The five best places to travel alone. Do you agree?
Love the length of these jeans.
Five questions to ask when you’re buying wine and know nothing about wine.
Wise words to remember.
So much respect and love for Michelle Obama.
Tom Cruise recreates his career with James Corden.
Omg, these girls are SO AWESOME.
13 Going on 30 is going to be a Broadway musical! (Jenna + Matty forever.)
How Alex and I finally got our kids to talk at dinner. Thanks, Jenny!
Plus, two great reader comments…
From Genevieve: “My ears stick out, ridiculously. I’ve been called ‘Dumbo’; hairdressers cut the tips of my ears accidentally; when I was 13, a family friend suggested plastic surgery. It used to bother me, but when I taped them down to imagine a surgically altered look, I hated it! My dear, adored, infallible dad had the same ears, and it genuinely makes me happy to share that genetic similarity. I wear my ponytail proudly and I own my silly ears. Nothing could make me feel weird or awkward about them anymore.”
From Molly: “My sister and I shared a bed until she was in middle school and got wise. I still remember laughing ourselves to sleep. After she got her own room, she promised that I could sleep with her every Christmas Eve. The tradition stuck even after she got married, but finally ended once I got married, too. The boys ruined it! It’s still one of the happiest and most potent memories of my childhood.”
Have a good one. xoxo
(Photo by Jordan Sondler.)