What are you up to this weekend? I’m taking my first yoga class in our neighborhood! Thanks for all the inspiration, and wish me luck. Have a wonderful weekend, stay warm, and here are a few fun links from around the web…

The other life-changing thing I’m buying in bulk.

Hilarious birthday cards.

I’m afraid to stop having babies.”

A museum…from the art’s perspective.

Winter blues, literally.

You probably sound like a big phony during job interviews.

Seven things I can’t stop noticing whenever I read Knuffle Bunny.”

Christ, what an a**hole!”

The perfect gift for grammar nerds.

Genius! You can now rent a wedding dress.

Why in-flight food tastes weird.

Caroline’s new obsession. (Apparently it lasts forever.)

And for this weekend: Where to watch the Oscar-nominated documentaries.

(What They See via Sho and Tell)