Alex is usually the chef in our family, but…
…this summer we realized that we were ordering in (or picking up burritos) more often than not. We just felt distracted and busy. So! We decided to give ourselves a 30-day fall challenge: For the month of September, we would only serve homemade dinners, no matter what.
We made a list of easy, medium and hard dishes. Most dishes came from this cookbook, but the easy dishes were our own (simple) concoctions, including peppery scrambled eggs, organic sausages in whole-wheat hotdog buns with mustard, tuna avocado sandwiches, and baked potatoes with sour cream, black pepper and zucchini. Having a list of easy dinners made the whole challenge feel more doable.
Here are a few photos from last night, when Alex made shrimp rolls…
Chopping celery with shrimp.
We forgot to take photos of the finished rolls, but I swear they looked just like this! Thank you so much, Alex.
Any easy dinner recommendations? We’d love to hear…
P.S. Are you too busy?