Funny how now that it’s September, it suddenly really does feel like fall. We even saw a dude wearing a tweed blazer yesterday; he was ready to go:) Looking forward to apple cider and pumpkins, and I just ordered this shirt for crisp days. What are your plans for the weekend? Here are a few great links from around the web…
A song for your weekend. #lennoncrush
American Airlines gets a makeover.
Instead of an office, how about a houseboat?
Girly camera straps.
Croissant French toast? Brilliant.
Celebrity teeth. (Wow.)
Wonderful motherhood post.
Would you wear legging jeans?
This documentary about young models looks really compelling.
It’s a boy!
More on Facebook and Pinterest, if you’d like. Have a great weekend. xoxo
(Photo by Michael Graydon, via Herriott Grace)